Original PaulE
Well-known member

Went to Elmley National Nature Reserve yesterday, highly enjoyable, Owls everywhere, Bearded Tits, Hen Harrier, Marsh Harrier displaying, plus the thousands of waders and wildfowl all over the place!! Bit crowded, but once you got away from the car park a bit of space could be found!! I haven't been for a few years, bit far to travel but well worth it yesterday. Would go in the next couple of weeks if you're going because as the nights draw out going to be harder to see the owls. Shame the opening hours are so restrictive, can understand it in the spring but seems a shame they can't stay open til dusk at this time of year!! Was interesting to see the amount of photographers there, mostly for the Owls, who didn't have Bins. I certainly wouldn't have seen the Hen Harrier without them. Surely it is useful to spot distant birds who might be coming your way?? I would say at least two thirds of people there yesterday, that I saw, didn't have binoculars. Remarkable at a nature reserve!!
A lot more pics on the blog at the link!
Short-eared Owl

Bearded Tit

A lot more pics on the blog at the link!
Elmley: Tits, Owls and Wide Open Spaces!
I've not seen an Owl for ages, with none seemingly in Sussex, heard no reports and the places I've tried have been Owl-less we decided to b...
Short-eared Owl

Bearded Tit