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Cheap Camera traps (2 Viewers)


New member
Dear friends,

I am looking for cheap and usefull camera for most probably night photos/videos.

Actually I need it because of thiefs in my locality. I have small area, around 15m wide where I have to prepare the camera trap. I have no experience in this at all.

Please can you help me with this? What would you recommend from ebay, low price as much as possible.




or any other product from ebay.

Thank you very much for your help,
Sincerely Tomas, I wish you all the best, thanks.
Hi Tom,

I've no direct experience of the models that you link to, so can't comment on them directly, but my experience with some of the cheaper models (such as those one might find in a flash-sale in Aldi, for example) is that the biggest drawback is they are less reliable in terms of actually detecting activity in the first place. This might not be a problem if, for example, you've got an animal coming repeatedly to a feeder, but could be an issue for one-off visits. They also go through batteries a lot more quickly than some of the slightly pricier cameras, so that is worth bearing in mind for costs, and are generally of less robust construction.

I mostly use Bushnells on various projects. Typically the more modestly priced ones do fine for us. E.g. this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/p/Bushnell-N...itm=132776940826&_trksid=p2047675.c100623.m-1 but still comes in a lot pricier than the ones you link to.

Might be worth considering something like this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bushnell...930643?hash=item3b1d1427d3:g:iIkAAOSwHgRbp3wO - an earlier version, but still should be a solid performer, so long as it is as described.

Hope this helps, and someone with direct experience of the models that you link to can give advice.


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