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Chattanooga (1 Viewer)

Some areas to go birding in Chattanooga.

Here is an incomplete list of places to go birding in the Chattanooga area.
Standifer Gap Marsh

Description: This is primarily a marsh with a small wooded area in the back and an open field in the front. The marsh does get quite dry sometimes.

Duration: 1-2 Hours.

Coordinates: +35° 3' 53.23", -85° 9' 56.54"

Hiawassee Refuge

Description: This is where the Cranes are; The endangered Whooping Crane, the Sandhill Crane and even the rare-for-our-country Hooded Crane from Asia. I usually start out at the observation deck and then I drive down by the river on another road. For information about the migration project see: http://www.operationmigration.org/.
Duration: 1-2 Hours.

Coordinates: +35° 24' 2.91", -84° 59' 25.28"

Chester Frost Park

Description: For me, the only reason I go here is to see the Red-Headed Woodpecker. It's IUCN Status is: Near Threatened.
Duration: 1-2 Hours.

Coordinates: +35° 10' 46.47", -85° 9' 19.23"

South Chickamauga Creek Greenway (Alias: Brainerd Levee)

Description: This is a long walkway that goes beside some marshy areas and the Chickamauga Creek. You can see a wide variety of birds here. This is in the city of Chattanooga and goes by an airport, so don't expect a secluded nature area. I would be careful here as I have seen people who look like there up to no good around the parking area.
Duration: 2-4 Hours.

Coordinates: +35° 2' 34.02", -85° 13' 7.97"

Chattanooga River Walk / Chickamauga Dam

Description: Usually there are a lot of people around, but you might see some Peregrine Falcon, hawks, waterfowl and other birds. This is a nice long afternoon walk and it goes all the way down-town. Lots of people exercise here.
Duration: 1-4 Hours.

Coordinates: +35° 6' 7.76", -85° 13' 50.00"

North Chickamauga Creek Greenway

Description: This is a nice place to walk on trails near the North Chickamauga Creek. There is also a small quarry and a place to exercise your pet dog(s).
Duration: 2-3 Hours.

Coordinates: +35° 7' 36.41", -85° 12' 57.84"

Raccoon Mountain Reservoir

Description: There is a lake on top of this little mountain and a visitor center with a really nice view of the gorge. This is a TVA pumped storage facility. There are some trails also.
Duration: 2-4 Hours.

Coordinates: +35° 3' 23.17", -85° 24' 22.50"
Weather permitting, I am planning on going to Hiwassee this Saturday for the Hooded Crane. I think it's almost a four hour drive from Asheville, NC, so I hope the bird is visible. It was seen Saturday during the Crane Festival but not reported Sunday.

I am actually from Asheville, actually Candler.

About a month ago I saw it out in the open the whole time I was there. Lately, people say they saw it in the morning but most of they day its behind the trees and you can't see it. So, I recommend trying for the morning. I am not sure what i am doing this weekend. I may be out there, just don't know yet.
I'm picking my 86 year old Mother up in Hendersonville on Friday, taking her to meet her sister in Talbot, east of Knoxville, and staying over until Saturday morning. We'll get to Hiwassee as early as I can get the ladies going.
I'm not sure of the travel distance from, let's say, midpoint on the interstate in Knoxville. Would you have any idea?
Neither my Mom or her sister have seen any cranes so they will be happy whatever the trip produces. The Hooded Crane is the attraction for me.
I'm assuming there will be other water birds as well.
I heard there were 2200 birders at the festival last weekend. Tripod leg to tripod leg, I would imagine.

I've heard good things about Chattanooga. How does the birding compare?


I am actually from Asheville, actually Candler.

About a month ago I saw it out in the open the whole time I was there. Lately, people say they saw it in the morning but most of they day its behind the trees and you can't see it. So, I recommend trying for the morning. I am not sure what i am doing this weekend. I may be out there, just don't know yet.
I'm picking my 86 year old Mother up in Hendersonville on Friday, taking her to meet her sister in Talbot, east of Knoxville, and staying over until Saturday morning. We'll get to Hiwassee as early as I can get the ladies going.
I'm not sure of the travel distance from, let's say, midpoint on the interstate in Knoxville. Would you have any idea?
Neither my Mom or her sister have seen any cranes so they will be happy whatever the trip produces. The Hooded Crane is the attraction for me.
I'm assuming there will be other water birds as well.
I heard there were 2200 birders at the festival last weekend. Tripod leg to tripod leg, I would imagine.

I've heard good things about Chattanooga. How does the birding compare?


From Knoxvill midpoint, its about 1 hour 30 minutes.

Birding in Chattanooga is definitly better than in Asheville area. There are a lot more possibilitioes for birds that like to be near water.

Hiwassee has some waterfowl, but not a whole lot. There are usually always hundreds of Sandhill Crains just about all the time in Winter.

I know a location you can get closer to the cranes then you can at the Refuge. I will send you info in a private message.
I live near Ooltewah. Does anyone have any high performance binoculars, and if so, would you like to get together and compare them? I have one model I plan to send back next week...And another I wouldn't have to return until late April.
Thanks for the info, gypsumwolf. I live about an hour north of Chattanooga, so I'd definitely like to try out these locations soon.

I went to see the Hooded Crane in January, but it must have been behind the trees, because it was no where to be seen from the observation deck, or the other viewing area over the water. Other birders that day had been there since early morning (it was afternoon at the time), and they hadn't seen it either.
If you don't mind giving out the info, could you message me the location where you can get closer to the cranes? I'd appreciate it.
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