I've been getting daily visits from a blue tit, I'm not 100% about it being a blunt tit but definitely a bit of a little tit🤠I had to put that but seriously, everyday x2-x5 times. Early morning and then in the afternoon. It's not a reflection thing, I've covered the window but all he/she does is hangs upside down and then he/she puts their foot near his face and drops and always lands on his feet the right way up. The window is a small one and I don't think there are loads of things to eat and anyway there isn't anything in his foot. He just hangs upside down and drops 5-6 times and then I see another fly pass and he flew off too but always comes back. I think they're mates and nesting in the roof where there's a little hole. Only the one bird does this though. Please don't say it's a territorial behaviour or a reflection. He doesn't tap the window or fly into it. I've kinda got used to the little fella and I think it is the male. Females just don't have time to do acrobatics and slip in a quick workout a few times a day 🙄 I'm joking please don't send me angry messages. We're all on an equal platform. Any answers except the ones I mentioned will really help me. Also anything I can do to help them out or any wildlife. Foxes, badgers, crows are all around as I live next to the woods. Thanks guys
Gemz 🖤
Gemz 🖤