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Black-headed Grosbeak in Wisconsin? (1 Viewer)

I'm not an expert birder, but we have an amazing assortment of birds that visit our feeder here in Lake Geneva, WI. Am I correct that this is a Black-headed Grosbeak?


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Lucky you! I've yet to add this one to my life list.

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Thank you KC. Since this would be a rare sighting in my area, I probably should have posted this under the thread for bird identification. Are you able to switch it for me or should I re-post?
I sure can move it Sandy. And I have subscribed you to this thread so you don't lose track of it ;)
Interesting bird. It looks to be a 2nd year (1st spring) male, but the bill looks uniformly pink, which is odd for a Black-headed Grosbeak. They typically have darker bills, with the top mandible darker than the bottom.
Interesting bird. It looks to be a 2nd year (1st spring) male, but the bill looks uniformly pink, which is odd for a Black-headed Grosbeak. They typically have darker bills, with the top mandible darker than the bottom.

Perhaps a hybrid? It doesn't look quite right for either species to me.
I think it may be a 1st summer / 2nd calender year male Rose-breasted. Apart from the all pale bill the uppertail coverts ( if I'm reading the photo correctly ) are bright white. They would be orangey brown / orange on Black-headed. The chin and throat also appear to be black, it's only the chin on Black-headed.
I agree with Chris that this is a young male Rose-breasted Grosbeak. The first prealternate molt (Jan-Apr) can involve all rectrices, so that probably explains the short tail.
I think it may be a 1st summer / 2nd calender year male Rose-breasted. Apart from the all pale bill the uppertail coverts ( if I'm reading the photo correctly ) are bright white. They would be orangey brown / orange on Black-headed. The chin and throat also appear to be black, it's only the chin on Black-headed.

Good points. The overall oranginess threw me, but I see that this is not inconsistent with a second-year male Rose-breasted.

This unusual bird has taught me so much about birding already! During the course of the day I had taken a number of photos of unusual looking birds at the feeder. I have a great variety of birds, and the Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks are currently a frequent visitor. But it sure didn't look like those! Some of the other "odd" birds displayed rather juvenile behavior - more actively curious, and although keeping some small distance, they often looked the other birds in the face (as if expecting food?). Also I agree that the tails are stubbier than the adult grosbeaks. But it's really too early in this cold Spring to have fledglings as grown up as these are. This report explained it - some of the young males fully replace their tails the first winter - some don't. And they have a photo of an exceptionally dark/orange young male. Not as dark as my mystery bird but somewhat similar. http://www.migrationresearch.org/mbo/id/rbgr.html#ahymb Thank you for adding to my education!
The attached photo from the same period of time yesterday may - or may not - be of the same bird.


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Also, I suspect the tail looks shorter because of the angle of the photo, unless you saw it at multiple angles in real life and it really was shorter.
Photo taken later that week: If this is the same bird it would seem to verify that it's a young male Rose Breasted Grosbeak.


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As Larry said, "Interesting". In the second photo only the longest uppertail coverts are white, with the rest orange, the 3rd photo shows the 'pink' breast colour reaching up onto the throat in an inverted 'V'. I wouldn't expect a 'genetically pure' RbG to show any orange on the utc or rump, and the shape of the throat pattern is right for BhG, albeit the right colour for RbG. I think it's a Rose-breasted - with a bit of Black-headed in the mix.
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