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Birding North Italy in December. Where should I go? (1 Viewer)

Hi all,

I'll be spending a week in early December in Piemonte, Lombardia and Veneto and want to do some birding. I will have a car and can be fairly mobile. Can anyone recommend some good birding sites? I'd be particularly interested in seeing Nutcracker, Citril Finch, Snow Finch, Hazel Grouse, Wallcreeper, Tengmalm's and Pygmy Owl and Black Woodpecker.

If anyone has any recommendations I would be very
grateful. Thanks
You can get in touch with the relevant local groups of EBN, the largest birding organisation in Italy. I am sure someone will be able to help. Alternatively I can forward your RFI to EBN's mailing list.

http://www.torinobirdwatching.net - there's a contact form under "contatti"
http://www.bwnovara.it - email at the bottom of the page
http://www.birdinlombardia.it - click on "webmaster email" at the bottom of the page.

I should have some info in English on the Po Delta NP on the Veneto/Emilia-Romagna border. Of course there's nothing about the species you mention as it's a totally different habitat, but if you are interested I can dig it out and PM it to you.
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You can get in touch with the relevant local groups of EBN, the largest birding organisation in Italy. I am sure someone will be able to help. Alternatively I can forward your RFI to EBN's mailing list.

http://www.torinobirdwatching.net - there's a contact form under "contatti"
http://www.bwnovara.it - email at the bottom of the page
http://www.birdinlombardia.it - click on "webmaster email" at the bottom of the page.

I should have some info in English on the Po Delta NP on the Veneto/Emilia-Romagna border. Of course there's nothing about the species you mention as it's a totally different habitat, but if you are interested I can dig it out and PM it to you.

Thank you 3Italianbirders,

I have been checking out the websites you advised and will definitely be contacting them for more info. As for the Po Delta, I will definitely be visiting and it was actually the inspiration for the trip. Its mostly likely where we will start and work are way west is the plan. I've been able to find a lot of information on the Po delta as well in English so that been very useful.

I've been able to find a lot of really good sites here as well http://www.veronabirdwatching.org/index.htm

I've got some pretty good advice for Wallcreeper and Snowfinch now. I'm struggling to find much at all on Hazel Grouse. I guess they are going to be near impossible. And I cant find out much on Nutcracker either. Can they be found fairly easy or are they just irruptive in some years? If anyone can give some additional sites for owls and Citril finch, it would also me much appreciated.

Good you found the Verona Birdwatching website - I had forgotten about that. They are very good and they have very reliable places for Snowfinch. We have never seen a Nutcracker... so no idea, but they are only in the Alps, so we wouldn't know. I am sure the people at Verona Birdwatching will be able to help.

Beware when you visit the Po Delta as the whole area is infamous for car break-ins - do not leave ANYTHING valuable in the car, even when you can see the car, as they are FAST and know what to look for (i.e. expensive optics).*

Let us know if we can help further and have a good trip!
Good you found the Verona Birdwatching website - I had forgotten about that. They are very good and they have very reliable places for Snowfinch. We have never seen a Nutcracker... so no idea, but they are only in the Alps, so we wouldn't know. I am sure the people at Verona Birdwatching will be able to help.

Beware when you visit the Po Delta as the whole area is infamous for car break-ins - do not leave ANYTHING valuable in the car, even when you can see the car, as they are FAST and know what to look for (i.e. expensive optics).*

Let us know if we can help further and have a good trip!
Hello again 3Italianbirders,

Thank you for the wise advice about break-ins in the Po Delta. I will be sure to take precautions. I took your advice and emailed the local EBN groups. When trying to contact birdinlombardia.it the email address doesn't work. torinobirdwatching.net said they would send me some information but I am yet to hear back from them. I was wondering if I could take you up on your earlier offer of circulating my RFI on EBN's mailing list? I would be really grateful for any further help.
ok. will do. I can either post your RFI as it is and then PM you the replies or you can PM me your email address so that they can reply directly to you. Let me know
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