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Baby moorhens in my garden (1 Viewer)


New member
United Kingdom
I have two young moorhens who have been living in my (enclosed) garden for several weeks. There is no sign of their parents, but the chicks appear to be thriving. However, the birds cannot leave the garden without flying and there is no pond in the garden (though I live very close to a WWT wetlands centre and a fishing lake). My question is: does anyone have any advice other than leave the birds alone? I’ve been throwing sunflower seeds into the garden from time to time, which they eat, and they wander around the garden. They seem to be doing fine, but are extremely timid. I could leave the garden gate open, or wait for them to be able to fly out. Any advice? If I leave the gate open they’d have to negotiate a (small) road to get to the WWT or fishing lake.
Hi, first off welcome to the forum. I can’t help with your question, do you have a wildlife rehabilitator in your area that could help?
Hi Birdwatchersw and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators. I do feel Lisa is right and you need advice from a wildlife rescue. The WWT centre may be able to help with that, worth asking if they know anyone around.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
Hi Birdwatchersw and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators. I do feel Lisa is right and you need advice from a wildlife rescue. The WWT centre may be able to help with that, worth asking if they know anyone around.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
Yes the WWT is literally across the road from me, but in the past whenever I’ve gone over to them with bird-related issues (ie finding tiny chicks in my garden) they want nothing to do with them. ‘Health and safety’ is the mantra - they won’t take birds in. I don’t think I’d have any luck catching these moorhens anyway, as they are nifty and quite large, and they seem quite happy pottering around my garden but maybe I’ll go over and see if they can advise.
Yes the WWT is literally across the road from me, but in the past whenever I’ve gone over to them with bird-related issues (ie finding tiny chicks in my garden) they want nothing to do with them. ‘Health and safety’ is the mantra - they won’t take birds in. I don’t think I’d have any luck catching these moorhens anyway, as they are nifty and quite large, and they seem quite happy pottering around my garden but maybe I’ll go over and see if they can advise.
No, it does take skill and the right equipment to be able to catch them when they mobile. It was just that they may know of someone.

Alternatively your local vet may have a contact.

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