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Austin TX USA recording (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Can you listen and tell me what you think? Thanks.


  • What is this Texas bird.20220318.mp4
    3.1 MB
If it helps, the bird was recorded in a group of trees in the late afternoon by a resevoir. The song is not one I seem to remember here in Austin.
Hello all.

Let me try a second recording. Only 7 seconds but maybe a bit clearer.

Austin is a the edge of the range of the WBN. Could it be something else? Thanks.


  • 2nd recording. 20220318.mp4
    1.8 MB
Sounds just the same as your first recording. Bear in mind when comparing your recording with others that there are a whole big bag of reasons which will make individual recordings of a given species sound different from one another - even more so perhaps than is the case with comparing photographs.
Austin is a the edge of the range of the WBN
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