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another Empidonax question. Central Alberta, Canada (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
As this question concerns an Empidonax Flycatcher, and I have only a sort of obscured photo, and never heard any vocalization, I realize that it is likely that certainty is not a likely outcome, but I will try.
on the bit of land where I have been walking, by far the most commonly seen Empidonax Flycatcher is the Least Flycatcher. Yesterday, while walking near a somewhat wooded creek, with poplars and spruce around, but also soon open lawn areas, I glimpsed a flycatcher fly into a low, large bush on a small slope, surrounded by tall grass. In the quick glimpse I noticed that the chest of the bird appeared to be much more yellow than I have ever noticed any other Least Flycatcher to be.
I tried to get a photo, and was able to get 1 poor picture. The only clear thing I can get from the photo is that the primary projection of the wings appears to be very short. This would seem to lean towards the bird being a Least Flycatcher (Empidonax minimus), as would be most expected, but perhaps does not entirely rule out Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (Empidonax flaviventris). As well, perhaps the belly, that can be seen appears to be somewhat mottled, and not so clearly white as I would usually see on a Least Flycatcher. But this is not clear.
I did not hear any vocalizations from this bird as I was trying to observe it.
Do you think there is enough here to say that the bird is very probably a Least Flycatcher, or a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, or just put it down as an indeterminant Empidonax flycatcher?


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