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urbanus procne

  1. Brown Longtail Skipper

    Brown Longtail Skipper

    Brown Longtail Skipper (Urbanus procne: Hesperiidae) Wingspan 3.7-4.8 cm (1.5-1.9 in). Photographed on doctorbush (Plumbago scandens). Hugh Ramsey Nature Park, Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas, USA. South Texas Plains vegetation area, Lower Rio Grande Valley, adjacent to Arroyo Colorado...
  2. Brown Longtail Skipper

    Brown Longtail Skipper

    Brown Longtail Skipper (Urbanus procne: Hesperiidae) Wingspan 3.7-4.8 cm (1.5-1.9 in). Nectaring Canada germander (Teucrium canadensis: Lamiaceae).
  3. Brown Longtail

    Brown Longtail

    Brown Longtail (Urbanus procne: Hesperiidae) Wingspan 3.7-4.8 cm (1.5-1.9 in). Nectaring Texas Thistle (Cirsium texanum: Asteraceae). Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, south of Alamo, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA. Mesquite woods with Tamaulipan Scrub in the Southern Plains Vegetational Area at...