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stray waterbody

  1. Lakescape-962


    And ... ... it was Greenie's turn ... then ___________________ Green Sandpiper Gurugram : Haryana India
  2. Jacobin Cuckoo : takes a large caterpillar : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Jacobin Cuckoo : takes a large caterpillar : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Facebook Watch Videos from Alok Tewari: Arriving to our area just before the onset of Monsoon ... ... aptly called Monsoon Cuckoo ... ... has another popular name in Indian traditions ... i.e. Chaatak ... No wonder ... this was our first of season record of this fabulous songster ... a few...
  3. Lakescape-867


    It was a lovely winter morning ... lazy was the wind ... with thin mist hanging around ... this stray waterbody in the agrarian hinterland was agog with migratory species ... and more arriving ... ___________ Greylag Goose Bar-headed Goose Eurasian Spoonbill Black-headed Ibis Common Teal...