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  1. Serin


    It took me seven ! days in our garden to get a good picture of him. A very shy bird but the garden feeder was too attractive.
  2. Serin


    These delightful birds visit us regularly, and they are so tiny and yet, fight vigorously over any scrap of food.
  3. Serin


  4. Serin


  5. Serin


  6. Serin


  7. Serin


    A newbie for me.
  8. European serin

    European serin

  9. Serin


    Having a wash in a dirty puddle!
  10. Serin


    ...singing on a stick
  11. Serin


  12. Serin


    Photo shot in Maro Spain. The blurry bird is a Goldfinch.
  13. Serin feeding

    Serin feeding

  14. Feeding time in the Serin family

    Feeding time in the Serin family

    Young Serin being fed.
  15. Serin


  16. Serin


    Serin http://johnfoss.yolasite.com/serin.php
  17. Serin


    Shot in Mallorca.
  18. Serin


    This bird which a few seconds earlier was perched right at the top of a tall tree flew down to check what I was doing when I started pishing to make another bird come out of the bush next to me. It only stayed long enough for me to take two shots.
  19. For Delia

    For Delia

    who wants to see a picture of the serin I saw a few days ago. It's only a record shot , I'm afraid. Not really good enough.I could hear serins calling in a small resinous wood but I couldn't spot them . So I sat down on top of a WWII bunker in a clearing and waited. Eventually , this bird...
  20. Serin


  21. cool


  22. from the bedroom

    from the bedroom

    Serin is a quite common garden bird in Italy, but generally rather shy and flighty. This guy chose his favourite perch just in front of my bedroom, a very relaxed way to do birdwatching...
  23. Serin


    This chap flew into a tree just ahead of us and at first we thought it was a yellowhammer. However, when we got a clear view we could see that it wasn't and our first thought was Serin. Can anyone confirm this is correct?
  24. Serin


    Very widespread but not always obliging to be seen and snapped.
  25. Serin


    After several hours birdwatching I decided to call it a day and go home and I was a bit fed up because I had just missed a hoopooe whan I saw and heard that serin singing from the top of a tree. I walked past, thinking "So what?" , and then walked back to take a few shots of the...