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  1. European Crested Tit

    European Crested Tit

  2. Spotted flycatcher

    Spotted flycatcher

  3. Spotted flycatcher

    Spotted flycatcher

  4. Spotted flycatcher

    Spotted flycatcher

  5. Song Thrush - "Pre-Raphaelite" painting

    Song Thrush - "Pre-Raphaelite" painting

    "Pre-Raphaelite" painting
  6. Common kingfisher

    Common kingfisher

  7. Common kingfisher

    Common kingfisher

    This is a male Alcedo atthis. This bird fishes very fast!
  8. Common kingfisher

    Common kingfisher

    This is a male Alcedo atthis. This bird fishes very fast!
  9. Weeping bird

    Weeping bird

  10. From cold days...

    From cold days...

  11. From cold days...

    From cold days...

  12. Red-backed shrike visual contact

    Red-backed shrike visual contact

  13. Red-backed shrike-female (Lanius collurio)

    Red-backed shrike-female (Lanius collurio)

    In decline in recent decades
  14. Hirundo rustica timing

    Hirundo rustica timing

  15. swans family 3.jpg

    swans family 3.jpg

  16. swans family 2.jpg

    swans family 2.jpg

  17. swans family 1.jpg

    swans family 1.jpg

  18. Juvenile Tawny Owl

    Juvenile Tawny Owl

  19. Anas crecca

    Anas crecca

  20. Aix sponsa

    Aix sponsa

    The wood duck or Carolina duck is a species of duck found only in North America. The specimen photographed by me seems to have escaped from a western europe particular collection and migrated here in Vacaresti Nature Park in Romania.
  21. Asio otus

    Asio otus

  22. O

    Black&white duck;Medium size;South-West Romania[banat region]

    Description: see pics Seen at the Timiş river flowing in Lugojel, started at 12 and stopped at around 13:48 Sounds unknown as they did not produce any call: There were ones with black head and ones with brown head, Im guessing this is a difference between sexes; The weather was warm especially...
  23. O

    Flock of loud dark colored chirping birds - Northen Balkans, South East Romania

    The flock was around 40, those included in the image were not the only ones; I did not observe any special tail to them, so the option of them being Eurasian magpies fails; I do not suspect them of being in corvus sp as the sound doubts me (Listen to Audio to full 100%) Weather was cloudy...
  24. O

    Need ID for a prey bird

    Location is in Sothern westren Romania around the Serbian border, a field with forestry of oak wood around the "Victor Vlad Delamarin" village. The bird was flying away, got scared by some hunter's gunshot in distance. The bird was of prey and had a round head; which would maybe be a kestrel...
  25. O


    Locatie: Timis, Banat Vazuta: Paduriciile langa Victor Vlad Delamarin, intre ora 14 si 15 Marime: mica Caracter: Spontana Numar: Erau 4 Fenotip: corp general alb, spate galben, cioc necunoscut, aripi putin galbene cu negru Sunet: "piu" foarte ridicat, avea repetiti de 0.5-1 secunde/a; fiecare...