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pipilo fuscus

  1. Brown on Brown

    Brown on Brown

    One of the problems with living in the desert is the lack of green grass. We keep our grass to a very small area due to the lack of water. The Canyon Towhee is our most prolific resident towhee (we also get Green-tailed and Abert's). Towhees tend to stick low to the ground, so he never really...
  2. Canyon Towhee

    Canyon Towhee

    Large sparrow with gray-brown upperparts, pale gray underparts, a large central breast spot, and white belly patch. Crown is rust-brown. Tail is long with brown undertail coverts. Sexes are similar.
  3. Canyon Towhee

    Canyon Towhee

    This Canyon Towhee sat patiently as we filled up the van's tank at a gas station.
  4. Canyon Towhee

    Canyon Towhee

    Very common in my area. I had three at my house the morning I took the picture. They are one of the few birds that will stay and eat as I fill the feeder.
  5. Its a good job I ducked!

    Its a good job I ducked!

    A Canyon Towhee in molt, hopping around some picnic benches at the Boy Scout Camp in Ajuga Canyon, near Fort Davis.