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  1. Melanistic pheasant

    Melanistic pheasant

    Male pheasnat
  2. Pheasant


    A stand off occurred when this chap and I walked up to each other along a narrow path.. The Pheasant won.
  3. pheasant female.

    pheasant female.

    well my friends heres a pic from Leighton moss back in march,caught this beauty on the paths between the hides,hope you like,john.
  4. Pheasant


  5. the lookouts.

    the lookouts.

    well folks spotted these birds foraging in the fields between hides at leighton moss,hope you like.john.
  6. Cock Pheasant.

    Cock Pheasant.

    This one was enjoying the sun.
  7. Pleasant Pheasant.

    Pleasant Pheasant.

    Close up of his fantastic colours.