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parcela araguaney

  1. Grey-hooded Sierra-finch - Cometocino cordillerano

    Grey-hooded Sierra-finch - Cometocino cordillerano

    Perched near the orchard where it feeds. Ssp gayi.
  2. Green-backed Hummingbird - Picaflor Chico

    Green-backed Hummingbird - Picaflor Chico

    Male in mid-flight
  3. Peregrine Falcon - Halcn Peregrino

    Peregrine Falcon - Halcn Peregrino

    Perched after eating a prey. Ssp cassini
  4. plain-mantled Tit-spinetail - Tijeral

    plain-mantled Tit-spinetail - Tijeral

    ssp aegithaloides
  5. Austral Thrush Youth - Zorzal Juvenil

    Austral Thrush Youth - Zorzal Juvenil

    ssp magellanicus
  6. Rufous-collared Sparrow Female - Chincol Hembra

    Rufous-collared Sparrow Female - Chincol Hembra

    Ssp chilensis
  7. Rufous-collared Sparrow - Chincol

    Rufous-collared Sparrow - Chincol

    Male vocalizing. Ssp chilensis.
  8. Harris's Hawk Immature - Peuco Juvenil

    Harris's Hawk Immature - Peuco Juvenil

    Ssp unicinctus. Chile
  9. Southern House Wren - Cucarachero comn o Chercn

    Southern House Wren - Cucarachero comn o Chercn

    Ssp chilensis
  10. Plain-mantled Tit-spinetail - Tijeral

    Plain-mantled Tit-spinetail - Tijeral

    ssp aegithaloides
  11. Rufous-tailed Plantcutter Immature Male - Rara macho Inmaduro

    Rufous-tailed Plantcutter Immature Male - Rara macho Inmaduro

  12. Long-tailed Meadowlark  Female

    Long-tailed Meadowlark Female

    Ssp loyca
  13. Long-tailed Meadowlark  Male - Loica

    Long-tailed Meadowlark Male - Loica

    Ssp Loyca
  14. White-crested Elaenia - Fo Fo

    White-crested Elaenia - Fo Fo

    Taking off.Ssp chilensis
  15. White-crested Elaenia - Fo Fo

    White-crested Elaenia - Fo Fo

    Ssp chilensis
  16. Austral Thrush - Zorzal

    Austral Thrush - Zorzal

    Ssp magellanicus
  17. White-crested Elaenia - Fo Fo

    White-crested Elaenia - Fo Fo

    Eye contact
  18. Striped Woodpecker Male - Carpinterito Macho

    Striped Woodpecker Male - Carpinterito Macho

    Ssp lignarius
  19. Striped Woodpecker Male - Carpinterito Macho

    Striped Woodpecker Male - Carpinterito Macho

    Ssp lignarius
  20. Striped Woodpecker - Carpinterito Hembra

    Striped Woodpecker - Carpinterito Hembra

    Female. Ssp lignarius
  21. Rufous-tailed Plantcutter Male

    Rufous-tailed Plantcutter Male

    Bird taking off