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pacaya samiria national reserve

  1. Plain-brown Woodcreeper PERU'13 SER

    Plain-brown Woodcreeper PERU'13 SER

  2. White-throated Toucan Pair PERU'13 SER

    White-throated Toucan Pair PERU'13 SER

    This bird is a large version of the Channel-billed Toucan, and at a distance is difficult to distinguish from it. By measuring the bill length in relation to head depth on the lower bird (in profile) in this image, a larger ratio than in the C-b Toucan, I decided on the ID. Anyone wish to...
  3. Swallow-wing PERU'13 SER

    Swallow-wing PERU'13 SER

  4. Horned Screamer Portrait PERU'13 SER

    Horned Screamer Portrait PERU'13 SER

  5. Turkey Vulture in Flight PERU'13 SER

    Turkey Vulture in Flight PERU'13 SER

  6. Slender-billed Kite PERU'13 SER

    Slender-billed Kite PERU'13 SER

    This species is rare and local according to the Schulenberg et al. (2007) field guide. It is similar to the Snail Kite, but replaces it in densely forested areas -- especially in wetland forest types. The Snail Kite has a longer tail with white on it.
  7. Roadside Hawk Pair PERU'13 SER

    Roadside Hawk Pair PERU'13 SER

  8. Great Black-Hawk Juvenile PERU'13 SER

    Great Black-Hawk Juvenile PERU'13 SER

    This juvenile was sitting atop a fruit cluster in a palm tree. I just uploaded a photo of a pair of adults of this species.
  9. Great Black-Hawk Adult Pair PERU'13 SER

    Great Black-Hawk Adult Pair PERU'13 SER

    I am about to upload a photo of a juvenile of this species.
  10. Black-collared Hawk PERU'13 SER

    Black-collared Hawk PERU'13 SER

    This bird was sitting high in a tree in front of a large cluster of bromeliads.
  11. Yellow-headed Caracara PERU'13 SER

    Yellow-headed Caracara PERU'13 SER

    Photos I have seen of this species typically show the head in profile. "Here's looking at you!" Like most of the photos in this series, this photo was taken from a small boat where I set up my tripod. Not only did I have to wait for the bird to pose pleasingly, but also had to wait...
  12. Yellow-crowned Parrot PERU'13 SER

    Yellow-crowned Parrot PERU'13 SER

    This photo was taken at the distance limit of my equipment, and was severely cropped; hence, the noisiness.
  13. Black-fronted Nunbird PERU'13 SER

    Black-fronted Nunbird PERU'13 SER

  14. Blue-and-Yellow Macaw Trio PERU'13 SER

    Blue-and-Yellow Macaw Trio PERU'13 SER

    These three individuals were members of a flock of eight B&Y Macaws feeding on fruit in tree crowns. In my earlier (2010) Peru series, I included a detailed closeup of an individual of this species.
  15. Limpkin PERU'13 SER

    Limpkin PERU'13 SER

    I took this photo as it was turning dark, using a high ISO setting, and underexposing to maintain shutter speed in the unstable boat I was in. The photo was brightened in Photoshop. The result was a grainy photo with a certain charm.
  16. Bluish-fronted Jacamar PERU'13 SER

    Bluish-fronted Jacamar PERU'13 SER

    This bird was making repeated forays to catch insects in flight, and returning to a perch on the same small tree at stream side. The center of the breast has a largely-greenish-yellow iridescence, despite the bird's name.
  17. Green Ibis Flying PERU'13 SER

    Green Ibis Flying PERU'13 SER

  18. Hoatzin Pair PERU'13 SER

    Hoatzin Pair PERU'13 SER

  19. Striated Heron Juvenile PERU'13 SER

    Striated Heron Juvenile PERU'13 SER

    The bird in this photo was standing on floating vegetation, and feeding on small fish. I just previously uploaded a photo of an adult "Striated Heron." Unlike this juvenile, it is not particularly striated, except for a rufous and white band down the center of the breast.
  20. Striated Heron Adult PERU'13 SER

    Striated Heron Adult PERU'13 SER

    The adult "Striated Heron" is not particularly striated, except for the rufous and white band down the center of the neck and breast. Next, I'll upload a photo of the juvenile which is markedly striated.
  21. Rufescent Tiger-Heron PERU'13 SER

    Rufescent Tiger-Heron PERU'13 SER

  22. Cocoi Heron in Flight PERU'13 SER

    Cocoi Heron in Flight PERU'13 SER

  23. Capped Heron PERU'13 SER

    Capped Heron PERU'13 SER

    This lovely bird posed cooperatively at the riverside.
  24. Razor-billed Curassow PERU'13 SER

    Razor-billed Curassow PERU'13 SER

    This bird was perched in the shade in the dense foliage of a tree crown.
  25. Blue-throated Piping-Guan PERU'13 SER

    Blue-throated Piping-Guan PERU'13 SER

    This bird was perched on a palm fruit cluster in the shade of the tree's crown.