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  1. F

    H1n with ME66/K6

    Hello, I'm just more or less starting to record some bird sounds as I've been wanting to get into this for a long time (in addition to photography). Currently I own a Zoom H1n and noticed that the internal microphones are quite noisy if you're not absolutely surrounded by birds. That's why I'm...
  2. Noisy Friarbird

    Noisy Friarbird

    Noisy Friarbird
  3. Noisy miner head twist

    Noisy miner head twist

    Seems this guy can twist his head around 180 degrees! It was part of a group of miners squabbling around a peeled banana in the garden.
  4. Noisy miner food fight

    Noisy miner food fight

    A group of noisy miners around a peeled banana in the garden.
  5. Red-wattled Lapwing(vanellus indicus)

    Red-wattled Lapwing(vanellus indicus)

    Found near fresh water bodies, operate in pairs and very loud and noisy.
  6. Noisy Miner

    Noisy Miner

  7. Noisy Friarbird

    Noisy Friarbird

    In the Forest i.e.backyard, this noisy friarbird stuck its head down into the leaves every time I tried to get a shot!! I did get this one eventually! A
  8. Wait your Turn

    Wait your Turn

    Four Noisy Friarbirds queue for their turn in the tub.