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mount nimmel

  1. Piggy back  ride

    Piggy back ride

    After dinner that night I was busy sorting out the day's images when Hans came hammering on the door .... bring your camera .... quick!!! Had to quickly put a card in the camera, put on some shoes and shot across to the kitchen block, where a large crowd had gathered. Someone had found a torch...
  2. Taking advantage

    Taking advantage

    This Noisy Miner looked so cute with the clump of feathers on his nape, Hans couldn't resist throwing him something to eat LOL
  3. Spoiling  them!!

    Spoiling them!!

    Hans really liked to spoil the birds and took every opportunity to put out some crumbs for them!! This Pied Butcherbird soon took advantage of this feast outside the kitchen block LOL
  4. Pappa Parrot

    Pappa Parrot

    As I was making my way to the kitchen block for breakfast I saw a flock of Australian King Parrots flying around. They settled in a tree and I managed to get myself in a position to get a picture or two. It turned out to be a mixed group of sexes and ages, so possibly a family party.
  5. Early Riser

    Early Riser

    The next morning a Laughing Kookaburra was waiting to greet me as I headed off for breakfast.
  6. Alone


    Australian Magpies aren't related to corvids and they're quite alone as there's no other species in the genus Gymnorhina. That genus is now part of the woodswallow and butcherbird family of Artamidae; though it has been moved around somewhat in different families. Wonder if it'll get moved...
  7. Kookie


    This was a very naughty Laughing Kookaburra, we sat down to have a cup of tea and some of Judy's lovely cake... I didn't even know he was there before he flew over my shoulder and pinched the cake out of my fingers, just as it was heading to my mouth!!! Ratbag!!!
  8. Ruffed


    A Noisy Miner was around the tables hoping for some scraps. Quite an oddity with the bunch of feathers on his neck.
  9. Butcher in training

    Butcher in training

    After a few hours long driving, we arrived at Mount Nimmel, our campsite base for the next few days. It's half-way up the mountains behind Gold Coast. We had rather comfortable cabins and there was a communal cookhouse. One of the first species to greet us was a young Pied Butcherbird. I did...
  10. Bushy


    We were setting off early the next morning, so as soon as the light had gone I downloaded the day's pictures and was then sorting myself out and getting my things packed. Suddenly Hans was hammering on my door telling me to come! Grabbed my camera, which fortunately I'd put a fresh battery...
  11. Back


    I can't remember seeing another of my pictures showing the back of these beautiful parrots, so here we go. They've another colour there that I wasn't aware of... that pretty blue on the back. BTW well done to those who spotted 5 of them in that tree. The last one was in very very bottom left...
  12. Fancy


    There was a Noisy Miner in the campsite with a very fancy hairdo, with a great bunch of nuchal feathers. I've never seen this happen on any other bird.
  13. Baker or butcher?

    Baker or butcher?

    When I got to the kitchen block I discovered that someone (who shall be nameless;)) had put out some bread for the birds. This Butcherbird wasn't long in taking advantage, was he!!
  14. Social distancing

    Social distancing

    They seem to be trying to obey the rules here, don't they. I was on my way to the kitchen block for breakfast when I spotted this flock of King Parrots up in a tree. It would appear to be a family group I think, as there seems to be an adult male, a female and younger ones? Can you see how...
  15. Laugher


    When we got back to the camp there was still a little light left and I spotted this kookaburra sitting on the roof of one of the cabins. He'd obviously been waiting to welcome us home, hadn't he LOL
  16. Looking serious

    Looking serious

    .... well they do have a very serious looking bill, don't they! Another bird that greeted our arrived was this Laughing Kookaburra, he was sitting on the railing round the verandah of the kitchen block where we were having a cuppa and a lovely piece of Judy's cake.
  17. Youngster


    We'd now moved down to the Gold Coast for a few days, staying in a cabin on a camp site on Mount Nimmel. The first bird to greet me was this juvenile Pied Butcherbird.