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morley beach

  1. B&W makes Black and white

    B&W makes Black and white

    Alex spotted a Pied Stilt, AKA White-headed Stilt and Australian Stilt beside an island back a little way over to our right and suggested I try and get a bit closer and hide behind a bush to get a picture. Think he thought it was April 1! I set off confidently, using my best field craft, but...
  2. Black and White makes Grey

    Black and White makes Grey

    After breakfast we set off in the other direction up the coast. First stop was down to Morley Beach. At first sight it looked devoid of birds, but then you got your eye in and out there were loads and loads of birds *a bit distant) but seemed to be raft after raft of Black Swans... here's a few...
  3. Pied


    I tried to move closer to this stilt by keeping a bush between us and walking up behind it. Ooops.... it was ummmm. .... rather boggy, so I gave that idea up!!
  4. Pelly and friends

    Pelly and friends

    A little distant, and a big zoom and crop thereafter too, were this group (well only a little part of it really). In there is an Australian Pelican, three Black Swans and a load of Grey Teal.
  5. One of a kind

    One of a kind

    The Black Swan is an Australian endemic and the only swan native to the continent. It is also the only swan species that is not white. We had turned off the coast road and headed in to Wilson's Inlet, where we stopped at Morley Beach, an important shorebird nesting area.