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  1. White-lined Sphinx Moth

    White-lined Sphinx Moth

    White-lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata: Sphingidae) Wingspan 6.4-8.9 cm (2.5-3.5 in). Nectaring Turk’s Cap (Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii: Malvaceae).
  2. The Sun has Set.jpg

    The Sun has Set.jpg

    The Sun has Set. Between Marathon and Alpine, Brewster County, Texas, USA. Looking west down US Hwy 90 just after sunset. Chihuahuan Desert and the Davis Mountains in view. September 2021
  3. Swainson's Hawk.jpg

    Swainson's Hawk.jpg

    Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) photographed perched in a yucca.
  4. Heads or Tails.jpg

    Heads or Tails.jpg

    Black-tailed Prairie Dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus: Sciuridae)
  5. Chihuahuan Meadowlark "Lilian's".jpg

    Chihuahuan Meadowlark "Lilian's".jpg

    Chihuahuan Meadowlark (Sturnella lilianae lilianae) “Lilian’s Meadowlark”.
  6. White-lined Sphinx.jpg

    White-lined Sphinx.jpg

    White-lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata: Sphingidae) nectaring Turk’s Cap. Wingspan 6.3-9.0 cm (2.4-3.5 in).
  7. American Coot.jpg

    American Coot.jpg

    American Coot (Fulica americana americana)
  8. Coyote.jpg


    Coyote (Canis latrans texensis: Canidae)
  9. Swainson's Hawk.jpg

    Swainson's Hawk.jpg

    Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni)
  10. Pronghorn Antelope (male).jpg

    Pronghorn Antelope (male).jpg

    Pronghorn Antelope (Antilocapra americana: Antilocapridae) male.
  11. Swainson's Hawk.jpg

    Swainson's Hawk.jpg

    Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni)
  12. Eurasian Collared Dove.jpg

    Eurasian Collared Dove.jpg

    Eurasian Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto decaocto) at sunset. Marathon, Brewster County, Texas, USA. Urban setting in town, Chihuahuan Desert at 1,231 m (4,040 ft) elevation. September 2021
  13. Barn Swallow (male)

    Barn Swallow (male)

    Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica subsp. erythrogaster) Male, species sexually dimorphic, at least the NA subspecies. Photographed in an urban setting with the surrounding area being over grazed desert grassland of the Chihuahuan Desert with scattered cacti and desert shrubs at ca. 1,239 m (4,060...
  14. Blister Beetle

    Blister Beetle

    Blister Beetle (Epicauta atrivittata: Meloidae) These beetles range in size from 3.8-4.4 cm (1.5-1.7 in) long. Photographed in an urban setting with the surrounding area being over grazed desert grassland of the Chihuahuan Desert with scattered cacti and desert shrubs at ca. 1,239 m (4,060 ft)...
  15. Narrowleaf Spiderling

    Narrowleaf Spiderling

    Narrowleaf Spiderling (Boerhavia linearifolia: Nyctaginaceae) Low shrubs 30-90 cm (11.8-35.4 in) tall. Easily overlooked even in flower. Flowers ca. 0.64 cm (0.25 in) in diameter. South of Marathon on novaculite hills at ca. 1,219 m (4,000 ft) elevation. Brewster County, Texas, USA.
  16. Santiago Peak

    Santiago Peak

    Santiago Peak: southwest of Marathon arising from the Chihuahuan Desert. The peak is at 1,988 m (6,521 ft) elevation. Brewster County, Texas, USA. East side of Santiago Peak shooting west across creosote flats.
  17. Say's Phoebe

    Say's Phoebe

    Says Phoebe (Sayornis saya subsp. saya) Sexes similar. Photographed in an urban setting with the surrounding area being over grazed desert grassland of the Chihuahuan Desert with scattered cacti and desert shrubs at ca. 1,239 m (4,060 ft) elevation. Marathon, Brewster County, Texas, USA. May 2014
  18. Desert Mule Deer (doe)

    Desert Mule Deer (doe)

    Desert Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus subsp. crooki) It was right at dusk and we were watching the Vermilion flycatcher and I turned around and this large doe was just standing there. My wife and I looked at each other wondering where it could have come from. Over grazed desert grassland of...
  19. Cactus Wren

    Cactus Wren

    Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus subsp. couesi) Photographed perched in an Ocotillo. Over grazed desert grassland of the Chihuahuan Desert with scattered cacti and desert shrubs at ca. 1,239 m (4,060 ft) elevation. Marathon, Brewster County, Texas, USA.
  20. West-Texas Streaky-skipper

    West-Texas Streaky-skipper

    West-Texas Streaky-skipper (Celotes limpia: Hesperiidae) Wingspan 2.5-3.2 cm (1.0-1.3 in). South of Marathon, Brewster County, Texas, USA. Roadside, Chihuahuan Desert at ca. 1,219 m (4,000 ft) elevation.
  21. Vermilion Flycatcher (juvenile female)

    Vermilion Flycatcher (juvenile female)

    Vermilion Flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus subsp. flammeus) Juvenile female, differs from adult female by having yellow on her flanks opposed to salmon. Photographed in an urban setting near a man-made pond with the surrounding area being over grazed desert grassland of the Chihuahuan Desert...
  22. Canyon Towhee

    Canyon Towhee

    Canyon Towhee (Melozone fusca subsp. texanus) Sexes similar. Photographed in an urban setting with the surrounding area being over grazed desert grassland of the Chihuahuan Desert with scattered cacti and desert shrubs at ca. 1,239 m (4,060 ft) elevation. Marathon, Brewster County, Texas, USA.
  23. Ironweed Root Moth

    Ironweed Root Moth

    Ironweed Root Moth (Polygrammodes flavidalis: Crambidae) Wingspan 2.4-3.5 cm (0.94-1.38 in). Photographed in an urban setting with the surrounding area being over grazed desert grassland of the Chihuahuan Desert with scattered cacti and desert shrubs at ca. 1,239 m (4,060 ft) elevation...
  24. Lincoln's Sparrow

    Lincoln's Sparrow

    Lincolns Sparrow (Melospiza lincolnii) Sexes similar. Photographed in an urban setting with the surrounding area being over grazed desert grassland of the Chihuahuan Desert with scattered cacti and desert shrubs at ca. 1,239 m (4,060 ft) elevation. Marathon, Brewster County, Texas, USA.
  25. House Finch (male)

    House Finch (male)

    House Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus subsp. frontalis) Male, species sexually dimorphic. Photographed this male foraging on Ocotillo (Fouquieria splends) in an urban setting with the surrounding area being over grazed desert grassland of the Chihuahuan Desert with scattered cacti and desert shrubs...