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juvie tufted titmouse

  1. Way too cute

    Way too cute

    Juvie Tufted Titmouse
  2. #2 Follow up

    #2 Follow up

    This was taken shortly after the pic I posted 2 days ago. It decided rather than be shy, he was gonna scream for some food from mom.
  3. Think it's gonna be juvie week

    Think it's gonna be juvie week

    They are so dang adorable.
  4. Nice try TT

    Nice try TT

    This juvie thought it was hiding but I got it ;)
  5. A rather dark looking juvie

    A rather dark looking juvie

    I saw one like this a few years ago but this juvie is so much darker than it's siblings.
  6. A sweet juvie

    A sweet juvie

    My yard is blossoming with the little cuties.
  7. Even cuter

    Even cuter

    me thinks ;)
  8. Does it get cuter than this?

    Does it get cuter than this?

    Don't think so
  9. Tufted Titmouse

    Tufted Titmouse

    Looks like it is going to be juvie week. They are all emerging this week
  10. Another view...

    Another view...

    of my dark Titmouse juvie. Vicki had some sage thoughts on this one that it could be a hybrid having hybridized with a Black-crested Titmouse which apparently happens frequently according to Sibley. Thanks for the education Vicki ;)
  11. Is it me..

    Is it me..

    .. or does this juvie Titmouse look darker than it should be?
  12. There's nothing cuter

    There's nothing cuter

    .. than a juvie Titmouse ;)
  13. A little tuftie

    A little tuftie

    They are so cute
  14. And another crop

    And another crop

    Came out early last week. A very good year for most of the birds.
  15. Another cutie

    Another cutie

    I love these guys.
  16. And the juvies keep coming

    And the juvies keep coming

  17. I'm  besotted with these guys

    I'm besotted with these guys

    A very good year for these guys as well
  18. They're just so darn cute

    They're just so darn cute

    Finally, the juvie Titmouse. This is the first bird I fell in love with years ago.
  19. Not too shabby

    Not too shabby

    1000 iso and a shutter speed of 30
  20. Yes,  my feet look big

    Yes, my feet look big

    But I'll grow into them ;)