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  1. Video of Linnet, Walthamstow Marshes, London, UK, May 2020

    Video of Linnet, Walthamstow Marshes, London, UK, May 2020

    Linnet Finch, Walthamstow Marshes, London, May, UK, 2020.
  2. Serin


    It took me seven ! days in our garden to get a good picture of him. A very shy bird but the garden feeder was too attractive.
  3. White-vented Euphonia, male

    White-vented Euphonia, male

  4. Hooded Siskin

    Hooded Siskin

    Female. The species belongs to the putative clade of Neotropical siskins in the genus "Spinus".
  5. Chaffinch - female

    Chaffinch - female

  6. Blue-naped Chlorophonia

    Blue-naped Chlorophonia

    Gaturamo-bandeirinha Fringillidae -:|= Carlos Henrique - Birding guide =|:- www.carduelis.bio.br
  7. Greenfinch


    Introduced into New Zealand in 19th century from UK, now quite common.
  8. Goldfinch


  9. Siskin


    This one bumbed on window, but flew away within two minutes. Larger image at www.pbase.com/image/14890979