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emberiza cirlus

  1. P1080372.JPG


    Cirl Bunting at Dawlish Warren NNR
  2. cirl bunting

    cirl bunting

  3. cirl bunting (male)

    cirl bunting (male)

  4. cirl bunting

    cirl bunting

  5. cirl bunting (male)

    cirl bunting (male)

  6. cirl bunting

    cirl bunting

  7. Cirl bunting

    Cirl bunting

  8. 263- Emberiza cirlus Cirl Bunting-25 octobre 2019.jpg

    263- Emberiza cirlus Cirl Bunting-25 octobre 2019.jpg

    Bruant zizi - Emberiza cirlus - Cirl Bunting
  9. cirl bunting

    cirl bunting

  10. 10cce.jpg


    Male Cirl Bunting Hope Love This Image Birders !!!!!
  11. Cirl Bunting

    Cirl Bunting

  12. cirl bunting (male)

    cirl bunting (male)

  13. Cirl Bunting

    Cirl Bunting

    Just at midday with a dark background
  14. Cirl Bunting ♂

    Cirl Bunting ♂

  15. 10bbs.jpg


    Female Cirl Bunting
  16. 15ccd.jpg


    Male Cirl Bunting
  17. Cirl Bunting

    Cirl Bunting

  18. Cirl Bunting, Emberiza cirlus, Escribano Soteo

    Cirl Bunting, Emberiza cirlus, Escribano Soteo

    LUIS SITGES http://birdingtrekkingandnaturecom-luis.blogspot.com.es/2013/11/un-encuentro-con-una-nutria-encounter.html
  19. Cirl Bunting

    Cirl Bunting

    foraging through the woods, a successful trip
  20. Emberiza_cirlus

