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  1. Corvid breakfast

    Corvid breakfast

    This crow found what looks like a small walnut and was zealously guarding it, while at the same time managing to Caw loudly to any other birds in the vicinity that might have wanted to steal it.
  2. _M1A5035-topaz-8x10-small


    Common Raven in central Arizona. He sat and talked for almost a half an hour while I took photos of him.
  3. Fish Crow Looking Fluffy

    Fish Crow Looking Fluffy

    A Fish Crow I was able to ID via it's Nasally "uh-uh uh-uh" call.
  4. O

    Flock of loud dark colored chirping birds - Northen Balkans, South East Romania

    The flock was around 40, those included in the image were not the only ones; I did not observe any special tail to them, so the option of them being Eurasian magpies fails; I do not suspect them of being in corvus sp as the sound doubts me (Listen to Audio to full 100%) Weather was cloudy...
  5. _I1A9000 copy.jpg

    _I1A9000 copy.jpg

    American Crow
  6. Blue-eyed Crow calling

    Blue-eyed Crow calling

  7. P

    Crow, Croatia

    Hi, please, what's your opinion on this crow? Taken today, North Croatia, Europe. Is it Corvus corone or Corvus cornix? Or some interbreed? The reason I ask is that C. cornix is dominant species here, and Corvus corone is extremely rare in Croatia. Thanks!
  8. Jackdaw on sentry duty

    Jackdaw on sentry duty

    This jackdaw was sitting on this post for a good ten minutes before it flew off. I love the blue eyes. I am now on Alamy or you can contact me directly if you would like to purchase any of my images. Members of bird forum will receive a 10% discount when purchased direct from me. Copy the...
  9. American Crow

    American Crow

    Taken at the Martin Luther King Jr. Regional Shoreline at about 10m. Finally, a crow photo that I like! It's only taken me what, years? ;-p
  10. American Crow

    American Crow

    Taken at the Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline. Weather was a couple hours after sunrise, gloomy, and overcast. Annoying that my best crow photo to date is a grainy low-light photo. Photobombed by gnats, of course.
  11. Grand corbeau - Northern Raven

    Grand corbeau - Northern Raven

  12. Telegraph for Mr Crow!

    Telegraph for Mr Crow!

    A Carrion Crow on a telegraph pole
  13. Picnic Lunch

    Picnic Lunch

    Two crows in my front yard taking their weight in peanuts :)
  14. Rook - Corvus frugilegus

    Rook - Corvus frugilegus

  15. Crows at nighting site - 3

    Crows at nighting site - 3

    Not much of a quality picture, not a big deal in terms of species: Rooks and Jackdaws. What makes this picture special is its exposure time - 25 seconds. Pretty much for a bird picture, huh ? I was lucky to capture these pics because of the harsh winter in Romania, which forced the crows to find...
  16. Crows at nighting site - 2

    Crows at nighting site - 2

  17. Crows at nighting site

    Crows at nighting site

    Not much of a quality picture, not a big deal in terms of species: Rooks and Jackdaws. What makes this picture special is its exposure time - 25 seconds. Pretty much for a bird picture, huh ? I was lucky to capture these pics because of the harsh winter in Romania, which forced the crows to find...
  18. Rook


  19. Crow on Ice I

    Crow on Ice I

    A Carrion Crow looking for food under the ice
  20. Rook to the Right!

    Rook to the Right!

    http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=99367 Another Rook shot from a rookie (lol!). This one is a tad more blurry than my other Rook shot. Still, all in a day's practise!
  21. Rook to the left!

    Rook to the left!

    http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=99367 Another practice shot at my attempts to digiscope. I have a shot of a Rook already, but it's too far away to see clearly. So this was a welcome, more obliging shot!
  22. "The Birds"

    "The Birds"

    This scene was remembering to a shot from Hitchcock's masterpiece.
  23. Jay


    Formby Point