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common redstart

  1. Common Redstart

    Common Redstart

  2. common redstart

    common redstart

  3. jurek

    Song convergence: Redstart and Pied Flychatcher and Moustached and Reed Warblers?

    I am probably not the first person to ask, and it may have been researched 10s of years ago. But I currently cannot access ornithological literature. I am sure many birders noticed that songs of Common Redstart and Pied Flycatcher sound similar, especially now in spring. The same is true for...
  4. Common Redstart

    Common Redstart

  5. Common Redstart

    Common Redstart

  6. Loud Neighbour

    Loud Neighbour

    Those birds are truly restless - I often wake up because of their loud whistling calls right outside my apartment. Sometimes they sing during the night time. Males seem to be less cautious and easier to approach so here's a picture of one calling while perched on the rock in my backyard.
  7. Tom St

    Forest bird song in Germany--Berlin

    Recorded on 12.06.2022 in Tegeler Forst. No longer recordings available, due to noise by passing people. I suspect Common Redstart. Thanks for your help!
  8. Tom St

    Lesser Whitethroat or Common/Black Redstart song in the Netherlands--Groningen

    Recorded today (05.06.2022). Thanks for your help!
  9. Common redstart

    Common redstart

    A female during migration in Munich.
  10. common redstart (female)

    common redstart (female)

  11. female common redstart

    female common redstart

  12. Common redstart

    Common redstart

  13. 183- Phoenicurus phoenicurus Common Redstart- 24 septembre 2019.jpg

    183- Phoenicurus phoenicurus Common Redstart- 24 septembre 2019.jpg

    Rougequeue à front blanc - Phoenicurus phoenicurus - Common Redstart
  14. common redstart

    common redstart

    this girl stayed for almost a month in the garden, she left on the 14th. i miss her. hope you like it.
  15. Redstart


    He appeared briefly then disappeared, presumably heading North!
  16. Redstart


    Male Redstart
  17. The inquisitive female Redstart

    The inquisitive female Redstart

    Seen over much of Europe from March till October to breed. but spends the winter months in the southern countries of Europe, especially near to the Mediterranean Sea. Not so common as the closer related, Black Redstart. Redstart numbers have drastically fallen in recent years, its status is...
  18. Common Redstart

    Common Redstart

  19. female common redstart

    female common redstart

  20. juvenile common redstart

    juvenile common redstart

  21. Common Redstart

    Common Redstart

  22. Common Redstart

    Common Redstart

  23. Common Redstart

    Common Redstart

  24. male common redstart

    male common redstart

  25. juvenile common redstart

    juvenile common redstart
