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bunya mountains

  1. Matching colours

    Matching colours

    I'd been wanting a picture of the jacaranda in flower, but as it's not a native Australian plant I didn't take one. However, when you see a load together in bloom, it's really such a lovely sight. Here a Blue-faced Honeyeater is feeding on the nectar of a tree... at last I had an excuse to...
  2. Diverse


    Our next stop was a parking area for the J S Fishers Lookout. And what impressive views to be had from there too. Wandering about and looking down into the bushes and trees I spotted this young Variegated Fairywren. He was rather kinder than the adults who just never seemed to stop moving. He...
  3. Extremely shy

    Extremely shy

    We moved on from the campsite stopping next at the Paradise Parking area. We all just wandered about round the car park and into the nearer parts of the forest. I tried to get a picture of a little scrubwren, but he went under a car and I couldn't get at him. So I went down to the toilet block...
  4. All dressed and ready

    All dressed and ready

    This Australian Brushturkey was in his full breeding dress, so all he needs now is some lady friends. I found him wandering around the camp site; they don't seem to care about the presence of people at all.
  5. A ray of sunshine in the dim forest

    A ray of sunshine in the dim forest

    We left the owl in peace and started on our return back to the camp site. We only saw one other bird in this area and that was this Eastern Yellow Robin - so easily spotted in the dim light, especially as he came out into the open LOL
  6. Hiding in plain site

    Hiding in plain site

    Bit of a tale to this one. We followed a path deeper into the rainforest which took us to a big hollow tree. There were steps leading up into it. This is a well known regular roosting spot for a Sooty Owl. It took a minute or two for my eyes to adjust to the light in there. Now, through my...
  7. Family moment

    Family moment

    Wandering around the Russell Park Picnic area we came across this mother and joey Red-necked Wallaby. Nice moments to observe.
  8. Another "pale face"

    Another "pale face"

    We left our breakfast spot at Maidenwell and drove along further into the mountains; not far from out next stop Hans did an emergency stop so we could investigate a movement he'd seen in the trees. There was another Lifer for the day in the shape of this White-headed Pigeon! In awkward light sadly.
  9. Pale face

    Pale face

    Birds were everywhere.... suddenly Judy saw a Pale-headed Rosella in a tree and thereby gave me another Lifer - a very pretty one too.
  10. A maiden on a dray

    A maiden on a dray

    We had breakfast at Maidenwell, but this was no run-of-the-mill stop. The window tables overlooked a large dray, which the owners put bird feed onto. First up was a new Lifer in a female Red-winged Parrot.
  11. Friendless


    We had a very early start the next morning to get into the Bunya mountains. We stopped at a lovely township called Madenwell for breakfast. A lone Apostlebird was foraging in the carpark giving me the closest view I'd had so for, even though some of my sightings were near ones, this guy was...
  12. Call of the White-browed Scrubwren

    Call of the White-browed Scrubwren

    A bit agitated White-browed Scrubwren (Sericornis frontalis) calling in the Bunya Mountains National Park in 2014.
  13. Calls of Green Catbirds

    Calls of Green Catbirds

    In December 2014, when I was in the Bunya Mountains National Park, Queensland, Australia, I was able to hear the Catbird calls. The sound was so strange but interesting to me that I wanted to film them with their calls on video. So, in the end I managed to take some videos of the catbirds, and -...
  14. Call of the Satin Bowerbird (♂)

    Call of the Satin Bowerbird (♂)

    I filmed this male Satin Bowerbird in the morning of the 31st of December in 2014 while he was calling in the Bunya Mountains National Park, Queensland, Australia. I am sharing this video because you can hear his call in this video. While I was in the Bunya Mountains National Park, I also...
  15. Superb Fairywren (♂)

    Superb Fairywren (♂)

    Every morning I made my tour in the Bunya Mountains National Park. You can see the Superb Fairywrens quite often there, but they are mainly foraging on the ground in the grassland. Occasionally they also can be seen on branches in the bushes. Usually, it is really hard to film them because they...
  16. Australian Golden Whistler (♂)

    Australian Golden Whistler (♂)

    This is a short clip of the male Australian Golden Whistler calling which I filmed while wandering one of the walking tracks in the Bunya Mountains National Park, January 2015, in Queensland, Australia
  17. Matching


    By now we'd worked our way back to the Trading Post at Maidenwell for a rather welcome cuppie. The garden out the back had some beautiful Jacaranda trees in bloom (they seemed to be in flower all over Queensland!) and this Blue-faced Honeyeater looked perfect in their with his own colouring to...
  18. Variable


    We'd now arrived at the JS Fisher's Look Out with more incredible views. We spent a few minutes wandering around here when looking down over the fence spotted something flitting around.. a wee family of Variegated Fairywrens. The only usable picture I got though was of a juvenile, the adults...
  19. Hiding


    We drove on and found ourselves at the Paradise Parking Area. After wandering about a bit and trying to get a picture of a White-browed Scrubwren I found myself by the toilet block. There was some movement and rustling in a shrub there, so I started trying to get a picture to find out what it...
  20. Bunya Pines

    Bunya Pines

    I loved the look of these pine trees and was fascinated by the fact that the pine needles were in balls at the end of each branch, rather than spread along the branches in the way that we know pine trees here. As these were on Bunya Mountain and in the Bunya Mountain Nature Park, I had to take...
  21. My Sooty Owl

    My Sooty Owl

    This was what I was faced with when trying to get the picture of the Sooty Owl. Maybe you can see now why I was struggling to find whether or not I'd got him in the frame!! I've just done a very little crop. As I thought you still wouldn't see him, I've kindly arrowed him! Of course Hans was...
  22. Pretty necklace

    Pretty necklace

    ... well it is if you like yellow ones LOL. It shows he's in full breeding mode though. Back in the camp grounds I spotted this Brushturkey wandering about
  23. Sooty Owl roost

    Sooty Owl roost

    I thought I'd show you the tree where the Sooty Owl I showed you yesterday roosted. It's obviously been in use by them for a long time, as the path leads directly there and there's an information board beside it. The tee was too high for me to get it all in and he was quite a long way up it...
  24. Bright


    On our way back, this wee Yellow Robin was easy to spot in the dim rainforest, but boy did he give us the run-around. Every time Judy and I got locked onto him he was off to another tree... took us quite a few minutes to finally get just two pictures LOL So pretty that you can't help but...
  25. In the dark...

    In the dark...

    ... in more ways than one. I didn't know until the last minute what Hans' plan was for me today but he took me inside a tree!!! A very big tree! And was it dark in there... just some light coming through from the broken top as we were blocking the light at the entrance. Three of us fitted...