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brushtail possum

  1. Piggy back  ride

    Piggy back ride

    After dinner that night I was busy sorting out the day's images when Hans came hammering on the door .... bring your camera .... quick!!! Had to quickly put a card in the camera, put on some shoes and shot across to the kitchen block, where a large crowd had gathered. Someone had found a torch...
  2. Bushy


    We were setting off early the next morning, so as soon as the light had gone I downloaded the day's pictures and was then sorting myself out and getting my things packed. Suddenly Hans was hammering on my door telling me to come! Grabbed my camera, which fortunately I'd put a fresh battery...
  3. Brushtail Possum

    Brushtail Possum

    Can be a pest. They will enter and nest in roof spaces and their scrabbling around is very annoying. They were introduced to New Zealand in the 1800s and have become a major threat to other wildlife as NZ has no natural predators to control them so people are encouraged to dispose of them. On a...