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black phoebe sayornis nigricans

  1. Black Phoebe

    Black Phoebe

    My local black phoebe. Kind of a lucky shot as I just panic panned as the bird took off; somehow centered it so the AF could do its job. I shot this at 300mm to see if the image would sharpen up; it did.
  2. Black Phoebe

    Black Phoebe

    This looks like a juvenile that is getting its adult plumage. There is still a hint of brown in its feathers.
  3. The last Phoebe

    The last Phoebe

    At least from me until I get back to the US. :-)
  4. A backward glance

    A backward glance

    This was my final session with a Black Phoebe and I got very close.
  5. Diagonal


  6. Cute in sepia

    Cute in sepia

    It just is sepia. I haven't done it in Photoshop.
  7. Black & white on white

    Black & white on white

    More or less... :-) Can't resist these little charmers.
  8. Not you again!

    Not you again!

    Mostly they were very tolerant but I think this one was tired of modelling. :-)
  9. Black Phoebe

    Black Phoebe

    One of my favourite birds in California and I photographed them a lot so there will be more to follow.
  10. Black Phoebe

    Black Phoebe

    Lucky we are on the west coast of the U.S. to see this common flycatcher on virtually every outing, announcing his presence with a rather monotonous chirping. Great subject to practice your photo technique, as it poses from a clear perch and even if it leaves it will likely return shortly. Black...
  11. Black phoebe with dragonfly

    Black phoebe with dragonfly

    This little guy had a gigantic dragon fly, but after beating it up on the wooden perch for a while, it went down with one gulp. WOW! Blackish head, dark gray above, white belly.
  12. Black phoebe study

    Black phoebe study

    SInce it was very over-cast this morning, I decided to pop a strobe on the bird, even though I really do not like to do that. Here is the comparison of the two shots. On the left is the bird shot with available overcast light, the other same natural light BUT with on-board stobe. What do you...
  13. Black phoebe

    Black phoebe

    This little birdy was hawking bugs right in front of me... These are some of gthe toughest to shoot, since they are black and white, exposure is a dreaded mess.
  14. Black Phoebe

    Black Phoebe

  15. Black phoebe stretching

    Black phoebe stretching

    Slate black except for white belly, undertail coverts, and outer tail feathers.