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apalis thoracica

  1. Bar-throated Apalis

    Bar-throated Apalis

  2. Bar-throated Apalis

    Bar-throated Apalis

    Bar-throated Apalis, shivering in the early morning mist!
  3. Bar throated Apalis

    Bar throated Apalis

    Very difficult bird to photograph, always flitting from place to place under the leaves
  4. Bar Throated Apalis

    Bar Throated Apalis

  5. Bar-throated Apalis

    Bar-throated Apalis

    Photographed at the Bontebok N.P South Africa on 09/11/2011
  6. juv Bar-throated Apalis

    juv Bar-throated Apalis

    Also photographed at the Bontebok N.R and like the adult I photographed it wasn't concerned with my presence.
  7. Bar-throated Apalis

    Bar-throated Apalis

    Photographed at the Bontebok N.R. A real inquisitive character that certainly didn't mind my presence.
  8. Bar-throated Apalis

    Bar-throated Apalis

  9. Bar Throated Apalis

    Bar Throated Apalis

    Taken near Lydenburg
  10. Bar-throated Apalis - Apalis thoracica

    Bar-throated Apalis - Apalis thoracica

    This little bird was completely unafraid of the fact that there were 4 people and 3 dogs scrutinising its every move from very close by! Despite the fact that it was not the breeding season, he reacted with such intensity and appeared to be completely spooked to a recording of its song, that we...
  11. Bar-throated Apalis

    Bar-throated Apalis

  12. Bar-Throated Apalis

    Bar-Throated Apalis

    These things are tiny and this is an extrem crop. Compare the size to the wire.
  13. Bar-throated Apalis

    Bar-throated Apalis

    Bar-throated Apalis (12.5cm).
  14. Bar-throated Apalis

    Bar-throated Apalis

    Bar-throated Apalis (12.5cm).
  15. Bar-throated Apalis

    Bar-throated Apalis

    Just come back from Africa and I can't believe it was only a bit over a week ago that we saw these little guys. They are amazing little birds, full of character and curiosity.
  16. Bar-throated Apalis

    Bar-throated Apalis

  17. Bar-throated Apalis

    Bar-throated Apalis

    The leaf is hiding a black ring on his chest.