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North-East India, Eaglenest, company searched: 02-03/2009 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member

We are two experienced birders who plan to go to North-East India (Kaziranga, Eaglenest and some other places) in February or second half of March 2009. Length is 3 or 4 weeks, we look for endemic birds and also mammals.

We are looking for another group going there to join in and share cost. Alternatively, we organize a tour with a guide and welcome 1 or 2 more birders for guided tour for ca. 80 USD/day/person.

We before had rather succesful tour to NW India with lots of lesser known birds and mammals (including 3 species of big cats). See: http://www.birdtours.co.uk/tripreports/india/india34-N/india-2005.htm Another Tibet tour: http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=66633

Birders who are interested to join, please write me private message. :t:

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:) One person is already interested. :)

Anybody can comment on snow fall on Se La pass disturbing birding (or not) in Jan-Feb?
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