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Red-masked Parakeet problem (1 Viewer)

delia todd

If I said the wrong thing it was a Senior Moment
Staff member
Opus Editor
I'm wondering if someone could help here.

There aren't many images in the Gallery of the Red-masked Parakeet, in fact only one taken in their natural range.

Now we prefer those for showing in the The Opus articles, but that image is rather distant.

There are quite a few which are better, taken in areas where they are feral/introduced, but can anyone tell if they may be hybrids (R-m ParakeetxMitred Parakeet)?

I was particularly looking at these two images:


or perhaps one of the others may be better?


Any assistance would be much appreciated.
I ama bit unsure on some of these photos, but I think these are erythrogenys



Here the middle one is an erythrogenys I think, the juvenile above and the one below may also be erythrogenys, but I can´t be sure

From what I have read and seen on photos the hybrids Psittacara erythrogenys x mitrata seem to develop more red than the parent species , this one being an extreme and therefore probably a hybrid:
Oh many thanks Joern. I'm very grateful to you for helping out on these.
LOL Joern, yes, I did appreciated that lad.

We can all only do our best, though, can't we.

Think I may go with the first flight shot that you linked to, for starters anyway, and maybe the other one as it shows a possible juvenile erythrogenys.

I'll try and make it clear in the picture captions and maybe link this thread to the article too.

I'm very grateful for you assistance.
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