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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Review: ZEN Prime HD (2 Viewers)

Eye relief may prove an issue for glass wearers. I can't see the whole fov on these 10x wearing sunglasses. The lens is recessed 3.89 mm below a rim around the lens and the total distance on extension seems to be about 13 mm.

This is a real bummer for me.. I put in an order for these in big part because of the advertised 20mm eye relief.... :C

Any more observations/ thoughts about that would be helpful...

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This is a real bummer for me.. I put in an order for these in big part because of the advertised 20mm eye relief.... :C

Any more observations/ thoughts about that would be helpful...


Ah, me too. The 20mm eye relief was a big selling point to me. The 17.4mm eye relief is almost enough for me on the Nikon SE, but the ocular lenses are significantly less recessed. Hopefully the 20mm eye relief spec on the Prime HD is true and is more than enough to make up for the deep recess. Well, we'll see when we have them in hands.

Frank and Steve, thanks for the initial impression and pictures. The omission of thumb indents is a big plus in my book as well. On the other hand, the focusing direction is different than what Charles said earlier. Maybe a change during the redesign? I prefer clockwise to infinity, but we'll see if the view and overall handling is good enough for me to live with it.
Interesting. I have no problem seeing the full field of view in the 8x42s. I have mentioned before that despite the fact that I don't need glasses I do still require bins with long eye relief because of my facial dimensions...unless the diameter of the eyecups are fairly narrow. I wouldn't call the eyecups narrow on the Prime HDs and yet I can still see the full field of view. Maybe the 10x is different.

The eye relief seems longer on my Vixen 7x50s and the eyecups seem to be as large as the Prime HDs. I will have to measure them.
Hi Frank

Would you say considerably less pincushion than the 8X43 ED2 ? That's about the only area that I find my ED2 to be borderline sub-par .



The field of view is fairly flat. Pincushion distorition has been added to help rectify any rolling ball issues associated with the dual field flattener elements. I can see the distortion when panning up and down but not left to right.
Yes, I would say less than the ed2 models. Charles mentioned 6% pincushion distortion to counteract rolling ball. I would be curious how much the Nikon Edg has in comparison as it seems the closest to the Prime HD in optical design.
Thanks Frank

Would it be safe to say that they have a flatter field than anything in the below $1000 category ? Crooked images of things that should be straight bother me almost as much as CA.


Yes, I would say less than the ed2 models. Charles mentioned 6% pincushion distortion to counteract rolling ball. I would be curious how much the Nikon Edg has in comparison as it seems the closest to the Prime HD in optical design.
Interesting. I have no problem seeing the full field of view in the 8x42s. I have mentioned before that despite the fact that I don't need glasses I do still require bins with long eye relief because of my facial dimensions...unless the diameter of the eyecups are fairly narrow. I wouldn't call the eyecups narrow on the Prime HDs and yet I can still see the full field of view. Maybe the 10x is different.

The eye relief seems longer on my Vixen 7x50s and the eyecups seem to be as large as the Prime HDs. I will have to measure them.

Out of curiosity. Do you have or have you looked threw the Zen ED2 7x36's? Sorry if you've written about this before, i can't keep trac of who has what.
If so.. can you see the full view in those?.... Just trying to get a baseline to compare you ER needs to mine.


I think the only binocular comparable to them would be the Meopta meostars in that particular optical category and price range. The difference there though is that I think the Primes have a slightly larger sweet spot. That is going by memory though. Will see what I can do about comparing them.


Yes, I have owned the 7x36s on several occasions. I can see about 90-95% of the field of view with those.
Eye relief may prove an issue for glass wearers. I can't see the whole fov on these 10x wearing sunglasses. The lens is recessed 3.89 mm below a rim around the lens and the total distance on extension seems to be about 13 mm.

Steve and Frank, thank you very much for the feedback.

What Steve and Frank have in hands are our last revision of beta testing units. We got 8x eye-relief done right, which provides plenty of eye-relief for glass wearers. For those 10x units, its useable eye relief is about the same as 10x43 ZEN ED2. But we already have work in progress so the final release next month will have extra 2-3mm ER.

Charles ..... Thanks for that additonal information. Other than the eye relief change for the 10x, are there going to be any other differences between the last betas (under current review) and the production versions scheduled for July 5th? Congratulations on a job well done. Sounds like you got a winner here!

Steve and Frank .... Thanks for taking the time to get out the first reviews within hours of receiving the binoculars. Great job!!!
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Charles ..... Thanks for that additonal information. Other than the eye relief change for the 10x, are there going to be any other differences between the last betas (under current review) and the production versions scheduled for July 5th? Congratulations on a job well done. Sounds like you got a winner here!

Bruce, that's the only one that's been optimized right now. Thank you for the congratulations. Of course, the ultimate judge is all the customers who will get the PRIME HD in about a month. I am quite pleased with the flat field performance of this model. Geez, two years just went by so fast since we first started this project.

Hey ,.Looks like they have a serial number ...

Yes, there is a serial number.

It will be a day or two before I can shut off a few sprinkler lines prior to cutting hay. There hopefully will be a few day window there to get a proper review done up. I'm into 14-16 hour days right now.
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