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  1. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    One more bit of good news on my 2022 list! Today I showed my photos of a Hammond's/Dusky Flycatcher that I had in the yard on 12 October to an Arizona bird ID expert. He fairly quickly said Hammond's, which another experienced birder had suggested in the fall. I had identified the bird as Dusky...
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    Garden/Yard List 2022

    Just jumped on at the 11th hour with my last yard addition! 95. Canyon Towhee (new yard bird) I'm curious to see what next year brings. Having moved out here to southeastern AZ in September, I was hoping for 100 but am still delighted with 95. That's without a desert springtime and the early...
  3. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    I just may be stuck for new additions until year's end. You never know, though. In the past week I've seen both Great Blue Heron and Crested Caracara (pretty good up here) just a mile or two from the yard. This evening's highlight was finally sitting down to count the "Audubon's" Yellow-rumped...
  4. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    Varied is a rarity, Ken, but annual in AZ. I actually may be better poised to get Rufous-backed Robin at some point. They're a bit more frequent than Varied in these parts. Both would be much-appreciated lifers!
  5. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    Looks delightful, Ken! At least 10cm, maybe a good bit more?! Perhaps a good call on the swans, too. I personally felt they looked better for Mute but don't have enough Whooper expertise to say exactly why.:) We're getting a desert cold snap, too. No snow down here, but we'll probably get...
  6. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    Two great late fall additions this morning, both species I don't think of as "desert denizens." 93. Pine Siskin (new yard bird) 94. Cassin's Finch (full lifer and a desert rarity) The finch was a calling flyover, but still very special. Let's see if we can pull 6 more species out by year's...
  7. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    No new yard birds to report, but I wanted to share a few photos of the special Fan-tailed Warbler (New World;)) that I went to see yesterday! Only Arizona's 13th record, and an extremely confiding bird that was only 45 minutes' drive. Now if it could just fly north a bit to my yard...
  8. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    No new additions in a while here, but another flyover flock of Western Bluebirds were nice yesterday. And this morning, a party of 12 Inca Doves paraded under the windowsill and stopped to get a drink.
  9. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    Today another totally unexpected "domino" fell... 92. Red Crossbill (new yard bird) This is a good regional rarity, especially for the elevation (2000ft/600m) and habitat (low Sonoran desert). A flock of about a dozen flew over, giving their bright "gip-gip" calls while I worked on the front...
  10. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    After 1-2 additions per day almost every day through early October in my new desert yard, things have slowed down. After an 8-day drought, though, I broke through in style! 89. Western Bluebird (new yard bird) 90. Red-naped Sapsucker (new yard bird) 91. Sage Thrasher (lifer!) We will see if...
  11. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    One more this chilly and windy morning (55F or 13C) in the desert, when a small flock of 5 88. American Robin (new yard species) left the neighbor's yard and set off into the wind. Robins are winter visitors here, more often seen at higher elevations but not truly rare in lower deserts.
  12. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    A harsh call outside had me running (as I've been doing for the past 2 weeks:)) to try and puzzle another Blue-gray vs. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher. This time there were three birds, two of which showed satisfyingly dark undertails to confirm as 87. Black-tailed Gnatcatcher (new yard bird) I'll...
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    Garden/Yard List 2022

    Latest addition was yesterday morning, when a 86. Great Egret flew past.
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    Garden/Yard List 2022

    Quick addition yesterday to make up for the lost Empidonax tick. 85. Horned Lark
  15. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    Well, I got feedback on my flycatcher from a few days ago. Opinions were mixed on the age-old Hammond's/Dusky puzzle, so my list goes down by one. That makes yesterday's Wilson's Snipe #84.
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    Garden/Yard List 2022

    Two more really good additions this morning. 84. Bendire's Thrasher (lifer) 85. Wilson's Snipe There is really no suitable snipe habitat for miles around that I know of, so today's bird twisting and wheeling fairly low over the desert was quite the surprise.
  17. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    And pics of the Townsend's and BT Gray Warblers that really brightened the yard one day.
  18. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    7 October 74. Dickcissel (scarce/rare but annual county migrant) 75. Brown-headed Cowbird 9 October 76. Black-throated Gray Warbler (lifer) 10 October 77. Rock Pigeon 78. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 11 October 79. Cedar Waxwing 12 October 80. Lark Bunting 81. Greater Roadrunner 82. Dusky...
  19. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    1 October 62. Pacific-Slope Flycatcher (lifer) 63. Cassin's Kingbird 64. House Wren 2 October No additions... 3 October 65. Townsend's Warbler (lifer) 4 October 66. Swainson's Hawk 67. Ruby-crowned Kinglet 68. Chipping Sparrow 69. Hooded Oriole 70. Wilson's Warbler 5 October 71...
  20. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    28 September was a heavy hitter, with all three additions being full lifers! 55. Pyrrhuloxia 56. Rufous-winged Sparrow 57. Common Black Hawk 29 September 58. Peregrine Falcon 59. Broad-winged Hawk (local rarity, 4th county eBird record) 30 September 60. Northern Harrier 61. Northern...
  21. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    24 September 38. Barn Swallow 39. Vaux's Swift (U.S. lifer) 40. Anna's Hummingbird 41. Warbling Vireo 42. White-crowned Sparrow 43. Yellow-headed Blackbird 25 September 44. Brewer's Sparrow 45. Lesser Goldfinch 46. Western Meadowlark 26 September 47. White-throated Swift 48. Black Vulture...
  22. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    Now for a bit on the new Arizona yard. I'm out in the Sonoran Desert between Phoenix and Tucson, in a fairly natural yard with native and some non-native vegetation. There's also a small pond with a running water feature that attracts birds, snakes, lizards, and two gigantic Sonoran Desert...
  23. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    My, how things change! In my last post on August 17th, I essentially waved the white flag on the yard list because I figured I would be spending more time at the local reservoir. Since then, my No. 90 (Eastern Screech-Owl) really was curtains for the yard. I've moved to Arizona! What a great...
  24. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    It's been since May that I was anything but a lurker on this forum, having shifted my morning priorities to the nearby reservoir over the summer. Indeed, given that our drought is causing mud levels not seen since 2016, I will probably forgo a number of mornings from the yard in favor of the...
  25. B

    Garden/Yard List 2022

    We had quite a run of easterlies for a while, which kills the morning flights in my area. That, combined with a desire to visit the reservoir more often, will probably result in a sub-100 year for me. That's OK, though. Additions so far in May are as follows, including two new yard additions...