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Search results

  1. Nohatch

    Cruise in August.

    Total driving time from Jusavik to Myvatn and back, with a loop around the lake and a stop at Dimmuborgir is 1:45 hours. In 2 hours at the lake you could do a short walk through Dimmuborgir (for the resident pair of Gyrfalcon), stop at Hofdi (for endemic subspecies of passerines) and the Laxa...
  2. Nohatch

    Cruise in August.

    Hi Jeanie, If you can manage it a trip to Myvatn would be the best option, but keep in mind it's a 45 minute drive from Husavik. Great scenery though and one of the best birding sites in Iceland with Harlequin Duck, Barrow's Goldeneye, Great Northern Loon, Horned Grebe, Red-necked Phalarope all...