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Search results

  1. E

    Subadult Gull, Santa Cruz, California USA

    The photo was taken today with my phone, so I apologize for the poor (almost useless?) quality. This gull was on the beach with a few Ring-billed Gulls. It was about the same size as the Ring-bills with a relatively thin bill, outer 1/4 blackish with the rest bluish gray. Legs were very light...
  2. E

    Help with bird ID from Pa,USA

    Black-throated Green Warbler
  3. E

    Two to ID from western USA, July 2013

    #3 is Cassin's Kingbird for me too.
  4. E

    Help to identify

    A Common Poorwill is an excellent back yard bird! Listen to the second call here - you may have been hearing them at night without realizing the source.
  5. E

    Tampa, Florida (Summer)

    Limpkin and Brown Thrasher
  6. E

    Bird in Blacksburg, VA

    Red-bellied Woodpecker.
  7. E

    Savannah Sparrow? -Michigan

    I would too.
  8. E

    Birds, Point Reyes, CA

    I haven't found book descriptions of Wrentit to be that great, but size is a very good way of separating Wrentit and Bushtit in the field. Bushtit is really tiny - its body (ignoring the long tail) is probably one of the smallest of any North American bird while Wrentit is quite a bit bigger...
  9. E

    Birds, Point Reyes, CA (Part 2)

    1. juvenile "Oregon" Dark-eyed Junco 2. American Goldfinch (bill color, wing pattern don't look right for Lesser to me) 3. Northern Harriers
  10. E

    help with bird ID in Pa USA

    It's an Indigo Bunting.
  11. E

    New Mexico sounds

    It sounds like a House Finch to me.
  12. E

    mystery bird

    Maybe a Limpkin? Sora comes to mind too except you'd probably hear that in the daytime.
  13. E

    Black bird with white bars on wings

    Eastern Towhee?
  14. E

    Souther California IDs?

    I agree with 2-5. #1 is indeed very confusing, but I think the shape of the bill (if not the color) would narrow it down to Forster's or Common. Forster's would be the default, but that doesn't explain the bill color or short tail.
  15. E

    Canada gosling with pink bill and feet? Cambridge, MA

    Could the female Canada have had a fling with a domestic goose?
  16. E

    ID help more San Francisco birds, USA

    It looks fine for pure Western Gull to me - wouldn't hybrids be up in Washington or so this time of year?
  17. E

    Do Kentucky warblers sometimes have a full black mask?

    How about a Common Yellowthroat?
  18. E

    Shorebird ID, Fort de Soto, FL

    These are Willets - you may be accustomed to seeing them in their winter plumage.
  19. E

    Gull - Vancouver Island

    It looks pretty dark for a Glaucous-winged to me - I would figure it to be a hybrid.
  20. E

    How odd would a rufous hummer be north of Toronto?

    According to ebird, there are at least a couple dozen records of Rufous Hummingbird in Ontario, so it is possible but still very unusual.
  21. E

    ID Please

    Separating it into Eastern or Western is best done by hearing the song or calls or by range. Theoretically, if there is yellow immediately behind to the lower mandible (which this bird might have) it would be a Western.
  22. E

    am I a Godwit

    Agreed, and nice photo. Marbled is overwhelmingly the expected Godwit in California.
  23. E

    Costa Rica - Bird Identification, #5-7 of 11

    Looks like Spotted, Least x 2, and Spotted Sandpipers.