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  1. P

    Owl viewing ethics

    @Andy Lakin @Welsh Peregrine Thank you for your insights! What’s the infrastructure like in the U.K. for getting word out about sightings? Here in the U.S., reports often begin on eBird before spreading to listservs, social media, etc. Is it similar in the U.K., or does it vary a lot by case...
  2. P

    Owl viewing ethics

    Hello, I've been doing some research on owl baiting and owl viewing ethics more generally. I was hoping to learn more about owl viewing outside of North America, where reports of misbehavior for certain species are fairly routine. Is owl baiting (baiting with live or fake mice to get owls to...
  3. P

    Gull - Duluth, MN

    I recently visited a spot known for having many Thayer's Gulls and other less common gulls during the fall/winter. I spotted one gull that stood out as having a darker looking eye (but not the very dark eye that some Thayer's have) rather than the bright yellow that one usually sees for adult...
  4. P

    Cory's vs Scopoli's Shearwater - New England

    Hello, I was recently on a boat trip where another birder on board photographed a Scopoli's Shearwater. There were several Cory's Shearwaters around at the time (he noticed the Scopoli's in photos later), and I photographed one or two of them. I've added the photos below. Do either of these...
  5. P

    January 1st joint Birdforum list (2022 edition)

    Went out for a couple hours in Connecticut yesterday. Adding: Fish Crow Great Black-backed Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull Glaucous Gull Pileated Woodpecker Hairy Woodpecker Northern Harrier
  6. P

    Common or Roseate Terns - Connecticut

    Thanks for the help! I'll keep an eye out for those marks in the future.
  7. P

    Common or Roseate Terns - Connecticut

    Yup, the adult scared it off while feeding young -- meant to illustrate the orangey looking adult Roseate bill I think it could be the lighting -- the Common Tern bills can look orange rather than red as well, here's one feeding young: In other cases they look a slightly darker red: That...
  8. P

    Common or Roseate Terns - Connecticut

    That is very helpful. I think it could also be the camera? (or variation in bill color?) to some extent though as some of the other pictures look orangey.
  9. P

    Common or Roseate Terns - Connecticut

    If I had to guess on the initial pictures, and I could definitely be very much off, I'd say Common for the final one (tail doesn't seem to exceed the length of wings by much, black wingtips), Roseate for the one above it (tail looks to be solid white but that could be the angle), Common? for the...
  10. P

    Common or Roseate Terns - Connecticut

    This site is a post-breeding location for Common and Roseate Terns, and juveniles of both species were present -- I'm just a bit stumped when I can't see the white tail (Common Terns from what I understand have black outer tail feathers). Forster's are locally uncommon/rare for this location...
  11. P

    Common or Roseate Terns - Connecticut

    Hi. As a beginner, I'm having a bit of trouble differentiating Roseate and Common Terns in cases where certain field marks (all white tail of Roseate, etc.) aren't readily visible. I've attached some photos from a location in CT where both species are present -- I saw a few Roseate juveniles and...
  12. P

    (Belgium) Tern that appears to have a black bill

    Hi. Back in May, I visited a nature reserve along the Belgian coast while on holiday in the country. The site is home to a couple hundred terns, and given that this was my first time encountering the birds, I took some pictures with my phone through a park telescope, hoping to review them later...
  13. P

    Audio ID -- singing Vireo(?) in Connecticut

    Singing in the background of these clips, sometimes faintly. BirdNET showed Blue-headed/Red-eyed Vireo as possibilities. Vocaroo | Online voice recorder Vocaroo | Online voice recorder
  14. P

    Belgium -- Song or Mistle Thrush

    Hi. I saw this bird feeding on the grass before flying away as I was entering a park yesterday. Its size looked to be roughly that of a blackbird with very dense spotting on the belly. Plumage looked mainly brown from the brief glance. The couple pictures I snapped off came out unfocused...
  15. P

    Tufted Duck x Scaup Hybrid? And an unknown gull. Rhode Island, USA

    Thanks for the help. Looking over the pictures again, I spotted a female with very minimal white above the bill (attached in the main post above). Could this indicate Tufted Duck involvement, or is the white variable across Scaup? My field guide shows more white in juvenile Scaup, but I see a...
  16. P

    Tufted Duck x Scaup Hybrid? And an unknown gull. Rhode Island, USA

    I've attached some more pictures of the duck. The mantle appears a darker gray than those of the surrounding Scaup, but not pure black like Tufted Duck. The shape of the tuft almost looks similar to a picture midway down this page on Tufted Duck x Scaup hybrids.
  17. P

    Tufted Duck x Scaup Hybrid? And an unknown gull. Rhode Island, USA

    Hi. I came across some birds I wasn't sure about yesterday. Scanning a pack of Scaup, I noticed one bird that had a tufted head appearing peaked at the back (in the center below): Possibly the same bird (there was also a Ring-necked Duck around): A female that stood out in the Scaup flock...
  18. P

    (Connecticut, USA) Monk Parakeet?

    https:// soundcloud.com /user-324068380/new-recording-129/s-hapr8JKqSZs It's a bit odd - error message for me as well when I clicked it off the post, but copy-paste into an Incognito window worked. I think there might be a redirect built into the forum media links. I added a couple spaces...
  19. P

    (Connecticut, USA) Monk Parakeet?

    https:// soundcloud .com/user-324068380/new-recording-129/s-hapr8JKqSZs (intentionally added spaces before and after soundcloud in the above link, as otherwise it led to a faulty redirect. Copy paste and remove the spaces to access) Distant call heard at a local nesting location. It sounds...
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    (Litchfield and Canton, Connecticut, USA) Unknown bird calls

    Thanks! Hadn't associated the first call with a Blue Jay before, but after your post I noticed it again this week. Ran into a couple sounds today that I wasn't sure about: https://clyp.it/bd5odstn https://clyp.it/w4ivri01 Wooded forest near a reservoir, noticed finch silhouettes in a tree...
  21. P

    (Litchfield and Canton, Connecticut, USA) Unknown bird calls

    Heard from the shore of a lake, most likely in trees: https://clyp.it/bc1rl2tl Small finch-like bird flyovers -- this site is popular with migrating finches, e.g. Red Crossbills: https://clyp.it/vhmgewh0 https://clyp.it/t14eghjk Different call, heard last week, 8 or so small birds...