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  1. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    No, its just paused for 16 years
  2. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    If you look hard enough you will find that whatever the conditions they will have some bullshit outcome, unfortunately their models and the real outcome are somewhat different
  3. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    I ain't banging on about how good I am , just pointing out that most of you preach one thing but go about business as usual.Why should I be out burning fossil fuels, you really are a strange individual,anything else you think i should be doing, you control freak, thats probably what attracts you...
  4. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    No John, what I am doing is saying that you and others like you are hypocrites, modify your behaviour then perhaps others will have more respect for your sermons. If it rains its climate change, if it snows its climate change if you lot want to believe in fairy tales carry on. I'll eagerly look...
  5. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    Shut up you tool, you still got a bee in your bonnet as I pointed out to you that your links were years out of date, perhaps you didn't check that because you are indeed an idiot yourself.
  6. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    spoken like a true hypocrite. talking of backward , that's what most of these measures to combat the problem are taking us. as for the wig wam, that's so 1970's , i prefer the yurt nowadays, more room inside for my chickens, pig and cow. I'm not pointing out how " good" I am , just that I don't...
  7. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    Right, lads and lady, perhaps it's time you all started to put up and get with the program is it , no more long haul flights, or pointless roaming around the country chasing lost birds etc.You see it's no good just talking about it and trying to convince others that we are too stupid to...
  8. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    Hi MJB did you read the article that you linked to? I was referring to the fact that an unelected Ozzie who heads the green party was calling for elected people to be dropped from cabinet because they don't believe in the whatever the weather its global warming scam. not you personally.The...
  9. M

    Another 'GREEN' Bird Killer.

    It seems like the one thing people running these projects have in common, they don't like sharing negative data. Heard about a couple of falcon killed at a South Wales windfarm but has it come out officially , no!Will it come out, probably not.
  10. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    Yeah, lets do away with democracy altogether and listen to unelected foreigners, who of course have no agenda. I know, why not deselect any mp's that don't like the colour green, more propaganda from the biased BBC. where is the evidence to link these storms to climate change?
  11. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    that doesn't surprise me , as most of your replies are nonsensical. like slagging off a link to the Met office admitting there had been no warming, just because it was in a certain paper
  12. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    There is as much chance of that being true as it is caused by global warming8-P, its just weather
  13. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    No other sense eh? What a stupid quote but hey reading some of your other assertions on other threads you hardly come across as someone with a giant intellect.As for your sense of humour, what's the saying sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, so well done you. Maybe you should start modifying your...
  14. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    What's democracy, robbing people on the utility bills to build turbines that no one wants and only provide a piffling amount of electricity for the billions invested, if that's democracy go and try china , you'll fit in there.
  15. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    Your links were seven and five years out of date, hardly proves your point. Although in their defence, on points of view one of the beebs big knobs did say that claims linking the recent storms with climate change were incorrect
  16. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    The stories about the met admitting there's no warming, aren't they the authority on climate weather in this country, or is that the Sun what you read
  17. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    We'll agree to disagree then John , as our world and its leaders are so honest and wonderful of course its all being done to save us from the tiny amount of warming likely to be produced. what's happened to the warming John, all the rest linking floods etc is just bullshit. Is the hockey stick...
  18. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    Are you saying that the adaptive measures that they have come up with Windfarms for one , are the answer, no just more of our money down the drain. Tobacco , Song birds grow up , you all go on about me believing in conspiracies yet tar everyone who's views differ from yours with the same brush...
  19. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    They are right to be wary especially after their tricks were exposed in the emails. You carry on believing John, and I'll have my view. at least I have a clear conscience that my behaviour ie not hopping on planes , driving here there and everywhere to twitch( as do a lot of warmists) isn't...
  20. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    What on earth are you on about. You thought you were being funny and I responded , so read again you were the one moving the goalposts, I replied . I don't need to win, only you warmists think its a war, most others have moved on from the topic years ago, you really are deluded if you think you...
  21. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    Don't forget the rules Peter, its weather not climate , and I'll wager Patterson knows a damn sight more about it than cast Iron Dave, short term memory loss with this is it Peter, don't you remember all his broken promises . yet because he supports the scam then he must be alright. As for your...
  22. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    For global temperatures, thermometers have to be placed regularly at a certain height off the ground - minimising uncertainty in the measurements. It also helps getting accurate global temperatures if the monitoring stations were placed away from built up areas and they had a few more in key areas
  23. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    Cheers John I honestly do my bit, but back to the wind farms in this context they are not a diversion, as at the moment they are the central plank of our governments efforts to curb this problem. The amount of money spent on these should concern you , as they produce nothing near...
  24. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    John, to me the whole thing isn't linked to us burning carbon , that's the control element of it . I don't need to read that as to be honest there are more pressing things going on in my life, and I read all the shite for months. Read the great wind farm scam and follow the money these...
  25. M

    Unusual weather in UK

    Thanks for that John, bit wide of the mark actually. Read my posts , I don't drive, have personally planted hundreds of deciduous trees( not to offset my carbon footprint for flying, ain't been on a plane), recycle far more than my neighbours, have installed a shower to save water and, like...