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Search results

  1. Andy Holt

    Review by 'Andy Holt' on item 'Olympus M.Zuiko 300mm F4 IS PRO Lens'

    I've now had the 300mm F4 Pro for a little over 3 months. The main development has been that I've upgraded to the Olympus E-M1 MKII as the auto focus capability of the E-M5 MKII just wasn't up to birds in flight, which was something I was keen to have a go at. The stabilisation on the lens...
  2. Andy Holt

    Review by 'Andy Holt' on item 'Olympus M.Zuiko 300mm F4 IS PRO Lens'

    Well its been a while since I let my Canon big glass go due to my ageing frame complaining about carting the weight around. Ive been using our trusty Canon 400mm F5.6 since letting the 300mm F2.8 go, however, now that Helen has fully embraced the joys of telephoto photography we decided it was...
  3. Andy Holt

    Olympus M.Zuiko 300mm F4 IS PRO Lens

    The weather-sealed M.Zuiko Digital ED 300mm F4 IS Pro is the company's flagship 'Pro' lens for the Micro Four Thirds system. At 300mm the lens is a 600mm equivilent for a 35mm full frame SLR. The lens can be additionally paired with the Olympus MC-14 1.4x teleconverter.
  4. Andy Holt

    Video of Mink predating Kingfisher and Sand Martin nests

    I'm currently still discussing options with the land owners and local wildlife trust, I've also asked the Environment Agency what the national view is on Mink if there is a view. It's true that mink trapping has to be maintained to keep an area clear, but I disagree that it's not worth it...
  5. Andy Holt

    Video of Mink predating Kingfisher and Sand Martin nests

    Yesterday morning a Mink predated my local Kingfisher's nest and a Sand Martin nest adjacent to it. What worries me the most is the ease with which it accesses the nests 4-5ft up on a bank face. View clip here: www.wildlifelens.co.uk
  6. Andy Holt

    Kingfisher Diary

    Nest bank collapse A week after the kingfishers had started incubating the second brood, the rains returned and the river levels rose again. The water ate away at the bank and took a large chunk out from directly beneath the burrow. Full video update at Kingfisher Diary www.wildlifelens.co.uk
  7. Andy Holt

    Kingfisher Diary

    First brood done and dusted The first brood have now left the nest and are now fending for themselves. The adults have begun work on a new burrow in preparation for the second brood. Kingfisher Diary with video, images and blog at www.wildlifelens.co.uk
  8. Andy Holt

    Kingfisher Diary

    Mating & burrow selection underway With the first brood still being fed in the nest burrow, the kingfishers have already mated and are now busy selecting a new burrow. The first brood are due to fledge anytime now!! Video & images at Kingfisher Diary www.wildlifelens.co.uk
  9. Andy Holt

    Kingfisher Diary

    Kingfisher Diary - Ep5 - Fish pass & feed There's still a week or so until the chicks fledge, but the kingfishers behaviour shows that they maybe getting ready to start a second brood. Kingfisher Diary www.wildlifelens.co.uk
  10. Andy Holt

    Kingfisher Diary

    Flood water drops Things seemed to have settled down now on the river. The flood water level has dropped several feet and the kingfishers are continuing to take fish into the burrow. If all goes well the chicks may fledge sometime around the middle of May. In other news, I've had a mink...
  11. Andy Holt

    Kingfisher Diary

    The flood I foolishly considered that the burrow was too high up the bank to be under threat from rising flood water. The last few days have proved me wrong, the water is now uncomfortably close to the burrow, although for now the adult birds are still taking food into the nest. I've posted a...
  12. Andy Holt

    Kingfisher Diary

    Young in the nest April 21st marked another important landmark within the breeding cycle. For the first time I’ve seen the female taking a fish into the nest burrow and this means that there are now live young in the nest. The activity was far less predictable than it has been during the...
  13. Kingfisher preening

    Kingfisher preening

    Once the eggs have hatched the nest burrow starts becoming an increasingly mucky environment. Preening becomes an essential activity for the adults to ensure they're in peak condition for hunting. Kingfisher Diary at www.wildlifelens.co.uk
  14. Andy Holt

    Kingfisher Diary

    Double Jeopardy The Kingfisher nest site has been the centre of a lot of drama in the last couple of days. Two serious threats to the Kingfishers have cropped up and although one has now been dealt with, the second is still present and I’m considering what can be done about it. The full story...
  15. Andy Holt

    Kingfisher Diary

    This year I have for the second consecutive season been allocated a Natural England license to photograph a Kingfisher nest site on the River Trent in Staffordshire. As part of the license agreement I have to keep notes on each visit to the site, so I've decided to have a go at keeping an...
  16. Andy Holt

    Comment by 'Andy Holt' in media 'Yellowhammer'

    Tremendous shot! top drawer!
  17. Andy Holt

    Comment by 'Andy Holt' in media 'Treecreeper'

    That's gorgeous Bill - love it! Helen.
  18. Andy Holt

    Comment by 'Andy Holt' in media 'Ring Ouzel'

    Well spotted, still on my wish list!
  19. Andy Holt

    Comment by 'Andy Holt' in media 'Dust and Feathers'

    Wow, that looks quite violent!
  20. Kingfishers courting

    Kingfishers courting

    The male is seen here feeding a fish to the female. This is a significant part of courtship as the female prepares to begin egg laying, she is able to conserve energy while the male hunts and brings food to her. Photographed with license from Natural England
  21. Dartford Warbler

    Dartford Warbler

    A chance encounter while watching a pair of Stonechats, this male Dartford Warbler flew onto a bush in front of me before flitting off and disappearing in the undergrowth.
  22. Andy Holt

    Comment by 'Andy Holt' in media 'Black-tailed Godwit'

    A beautiful picture, pure and simple! :clap:
  23. Andy Holt

    Comment by 'Andy Holt' in media 'Long-tailed tit'

    Yep, the colours are great, you don't get the opportunity to capture beautiful bokeh like that very often.
  24. Andy Holt

    Comment by 'Andy Holt' in media 'Brambling'

    Cracking shot!
  25. Andy Holt

    Comment by 'Andy Holt' in media 'Single gulp'

    Great close up work :clap: