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Search results

  1. Tiraya

    Unsolved or "Mythical" bird names

    The thread on Calandra Lark recently reminded me of a discussion that was common when I started birding, about the fabled "blue quail", "phoenix hawk" or other fake cryptozoological birds used only to tease and lure astray newer birders. I will preface that I'm not usually one to indulge in this...
  2. Tiraya

    Southern Chile (tomorrow!!)

    I am hijacking someone's trip to southern Chile to look at plants, and we fly out tomorrow. Unfortunately for them, there will be birds I haven't seen (most of them, more than likely). The trip spends almost two weeks travelling between Santiago, and finishing in Calama. I have not had any time...
  3. Tiraya

    Wheatear from UAE

    I only saw Hume's on this section of the trip, but this is evidently something "else". Any opinions? It seems to have some orange on the tail but based on how they overlapped it was only sometimes visible.
  4. Tiraya

    Socotra in January

    Hey all, By some twist of fate I'm joining a (mostly plant-focused) week adventure to Socotra at the end of January next year. I'm hoping to get as many birds out of it as possible, but I can't find anyone with specific information about what I assume are the two most difficult endemic species...
  5. Tiraya

    Some less-than-great leaf warbler views from NE India

    Can we do anything with these, or are they a lost cause?
  6. Tiraya

    Bluetail/robin sort? India

    Among my short time at Lama Camp I had a few second glimpse at this fellow. It seemed much like a Himalayan bluetail but, well, without a blue tail. I'm not really confidently finding anything else with this colouration and "attitude".
  7. Tiraya

    Eu. Sparrowhawk vs. Besra, India

    Hi all, Is it possible to distinguish these two species at this distance? This was at Lama Camp in Arunachal Pradesh, India. Both are reported fairly equally at this location.
  8. Tiraya

    Logistics of seeing Baird's junco

    Hey all, Title says it all, remarkably little information about this species and the region it occurs in. As a tourist birder, is there a feasible way to get to this bird without a tour guide? There is one area that looks like it could be reached, but I don't know how much I trust a low...
  9. Tiraya

    Workaround to fixing the scale reflection in moths?

    When I'm doing night photography, flash is my favourite and go-to tool. However it has an issue with moths and butterflies, and anything with scales, where using it at a straight angle (i.e. the best viewing angle for features and the species in general), the scales will reflect the flash. I've...
  10. Tiraya

    Creating photo backups during trips

    I'm quite used to lugging around my laptop on trips, specifically so I can make dedicated backups of a day's photos, in the event of, heaven forbid, a corrupted SD card. But I'm curious if there's a better way. I could buy a smaller, second laptop so it is easier to take with me, but taking a...
  11. Tiraya

    Are Attwater Prairie Chickens accessible for the general public?

    As the title says, in my experience prairie-chickens end up being "out of reach", but I can't see anything specifically discussing this site. Hoping to be in the area end of February.
  12. Tiraya

    Last Chance to See (2023 edition)

    I recall in the stone ages of this forum (aka 5-10 years ago) there was a thread like this that was still active, but I can't for the life of me find it. But let's breathe some fresh air into this subject. I'm in my mid 20s, and although my parents are encouraging me to "do all that birding"...
  13. Tiraya

    Kaua'i (Garden Isle of Hawai'i) December 2022

    It was not long ago that I had assigned myself a very specific rule. As fate would have it, it only took a gentle threat to circumvent this rule of "stop going to Hawai'i over new destinations". A decided four days later, fortunately timing well with work vacation, I was once again in Lihue, for...
  14. Tiraya

    Shore Plover in Auckland?

    Hoping to find one of these when I visit next month. I know they can be seen off-trail at Matatapu Island, but I suspect that those areas are well fenced off for obvious reasons. Is there any way for the "General Public" to see this species in Northland?
  15. Tiraya

    Does red light really help with night photography?

    I've heard a few second-hand cases that owl photographers often use a red light so that their camera can auto focus on their targets at night time, when auto focus (and even manual focus) is pretty much useless. The logic is apparently that red is good for exaggerating contrast in low-light...
  16. Tiraya

    Not my photo from Russia

    Warbler? from Russia - not my photo https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/28386255/original.jpg For some reason my first thought was booted warbler but now I'm claiming insanity and redacting that ID. Any ideas? Only the one photo provided.
  17. Tiraya

    Superb Parrot and G-G Cockatoo in Canberra?

    Visiting soon and wondering what the odds are of coming across these two. I'm surprised to see that there are records of both all over, even in the more urban areas? Other useful birds that might be in the area that I'm hoping for some day: -fairy martin -brown songlark -koel [whatever species...
  18. Tiraya

    Mystery bird song in Tasmania, Australia

    At Melaleuca currently and this particular song has been plaguing us for a while. It's a very peculiar sequence that is only repeated once--often, it is not heard again for many hours. It has three components. First, is a rising whistle that is similar to a steam engine or a kettle starting to...
  19. Tiraya

    Can someone give me a run-down of Hawaii?

    Thinking of visiting at some point but information is so scattered all over the place. Not that I'm against some long research, but if someone is able to brief me about some points that would be appreciated. EDIT: I'm planning to coordinate around the birding festival, which means I'll be...
  20. Tiraya

    Birding by public transport?

    Birding internationally without a car? Hi all, Ideally I'd like to start travelling at some point. However, I don't have a driver's license, and likely won't have one in the near future. So, the question that I pose is does anyone have any suggestions on good birding that I can do that does...
  21. Tiraya


    Oh boy, do I love, and hate hyphens. Moving to America has challenged my understanding of hyphens quite a bit. Broad-leaved willowherb became broadleaf willowherb, night heron became night-heron, and so on. I ask the following questions because these examples in particular still confuse me. I...
  22. Tiraya

    Dowitchers, Southern California

    Any way to be certain with these guys? It's my first decent viewing experience with these so it would be a shame not to label them. No calls. I have many photos if a view of something may be useful, let me know (except flight shots).
  23. Tiraya

    The Rubus fruticosus group in the UK

    Does anyone know if there is an available key for the Rubus fruticosus "agg." collective in the UK? I'm somewhat interested in this subject although I'm thinking I'll be scared away approximately two paragraphs in.
  24. Tiraya

    Stigmella vs Ectoedemia?

    Anyone good with micros know how to separate these two genera? I'm not seeing much difference with my eyes. The suspects in question (hint they were not from Europe, but we have them in America too):
  25. Tiraya

    Handbook of the Birds of the World

    Does anyone know what my chances are of finding this book (series) without dropping my life savings for it? Can it be found in libraries or is it private? Alternatively if anyone has this and wouldn't mind scanning or photographing some of the pages, I would greatly appreciate it. I am in need...