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  1. H

    Documentary 'Birdsong' BBC4 12th March 2025

    Hi all, For all those of you in the UK, I can heartily recommend the documentary 'Birdsong', originally transmitted on RTE here in Ireland but due to be shown next Wednesday on BBC4. It follows Irish birder Seán Ronayne in his quest to obtain sound recordings of all of the regular bird...
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    Steve Wing R.I.P.

    I'd be grateful to the moderators if they decide to move this to the appropriate forum. Steve Wing, the warden at the Cape Clear Bird Observatory, passed away unexpectedly today. Many on here may have met him over the last 26 years when visiting the island.
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    Basic question regarding Hooded and Carrion Crows

    Hi all, I apologise if this is not the right place to ask this question, or for dumbing the level of this subforum down, but the distribution of Hooded and Carrion Crow intrigues me. When I was younger, and thought of Hooded Crow as primarily a northern form, found across Scandinavia, the...
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    Wall-nesting Sand Martins (Bank Swallows): an appeal for records

    Hi all, In recent years, some of us here in Cork have noted small numbers of Sand Martins nesting in holes in stone walls (for example, city centre quays, warehouse walls and so on), as yet mainly in Cork city but also in Mallow, for example. I would be interested in hearing whether or not...
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    Amazing Goshawk pics

    Hi all, Some amazing images of a feeding Goshawk, taken in the Netherlands by James Lidster, can be seen at http://jameslidster.web-log.nl/james_lidster/2011/02/14-februari-2011-happy-valentines-day-and-birthday-christmas-all-rolled-into-one.html. What a monster of a bird...
  6. H

    Problems with Yahoo Mail

    Hi all, In the last week or so, I have developed some chronic problems with Yahoo Mail, while I am able to access most other websites without problem. Sometimes, my wireless broadband connection is very slow, and all sites can be affected then, but, most of the time, my net access is...
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    Cork birding

    Hi all, Not heard any news locally today, but recent sightings include the Buff-bellied Pipit remaining at Redbarn (seen to at least Wednesday, saw it on Monday myself), 2 Kumlien's Gulls at the Lough (adult and 2nd cal), decent numbers (by Cork standards) of Iceland Gulls, a few Cattle...
  8. H

    Foreign birding by public transport

    Hi all, As a planned trip with a few other Irish birders to the Cape Verdes proved to be slightly outside my price range, I was looking at a few other options, and one that appeals to me is Point Pelee in May, but I was wondering whether or not it is possible to bird this area using public...
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    Wallcreepers at Les Baux-a query

    Hi all, A friend and I plan on visiting the Les Baux area on 24th-25th January, and, as we will be short of time, I was wondering if anyone here has seen Wallcreepers there this winter, and, if so, if they could please let me know if the bird(s) are favouring any particular area? I am already...
  10. H

    Some 'mystery' gull pics for anyone who's interested

    Hi all, For your entertainment, some very poor gull pics, taken on 1st December this year, of an interesting 1st-w large gull. I won't say where they were taken, or by whom, for now, other than that they were taken in the Northern Hemisphere. I have my own theory as to what it was, but...
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    Reintroduced Red Kite shot in Co. Wicklow

    Hi all, From the Irish Times website- Red kite found shot dead in Wicklow Efforts to revive Ireland's once extinct red kite population have been dealt a blow after a bird released in the Wicklow mountains was found shot dead, it was revealed today. The bird, set free six weeks ago with...
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    Re: Bob Flood/ storm-petrel DVD

    Re: Bob Flood/ storm-petrel DVD Hi all, In last month's British Birds, in the storm-petrel ID article, Bob Flood mentioned having a DVD of the various storm-petrel species for sale. As I would be interested in this, I sent him an e-mail to the contact address provided, but this attempt, and...
  13. H

    Urban Goshawks in Europe

    Hi all, I can remember reading that Goshawks are now breeding in a number of European cities. As a few friends and I are due to visit Poland on Friday, I was wondering if there are any in Warsaw, as we will have some time to spend there on Saturday morning...
  14. H

    Proposed Polish trip next May

    Hi all, A few friends and I are planning on heading to Poland for around 9 days next May (dates to be finallised), and we plan on visiting Bialowieza and Biezrba. Now, I gather that it is necessary to be accompanied by a guide when visiting Bialowieza: in any case, we would be looking to find...
  15. H

    Cork Bird Report...it has arrived!

    Hello there, It is my pleasure to announce that the long-awaited Cork Bird Report is now available. The report costs 20 Euro, with post and packaging being 5.50 for anywhere in Ireland and 7.00 for the UK. Cheques are accepted, and should be made out to the Cork Bird Report Editorial Team...
  16. H

    URGENT need for help re Yahoo mail!!!

    Hi all, I was a little surprised, on logging in to my Yahoo mail account today, to see that I had only received two e-mails, neither one being one that I had been sent last night. I was even more surprised, and worried, to see that all of my stored e-mails (a few hundred!), stored drafts and...
  17. H

    Those awkward elusive long-stayers!

    Hi all, Prompted by my experiences with an adult Caspian Gull at Duncannon (Co.Wexford), I am writing to ask people for those painful memories of birds that stayed for substantial periods of time, but, due to their elusiveness or mobility, either eluded them altogether or took a number of...
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    Cork Bird Report

    Hi all, As some of you may know, I am one of a group of four birders responsible for resurrecting the Cork Bird Report, which is now due out in Feb 2006. I have been asked to forward the following request by Ciaran Cronin, as no doubt a few of you will have visited Co. Cork between 1996 and...
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    When things go wrong (or 'What I did last weekend')

    Hi all, A few of us headed up to the Bridges of Ross on Friday night, and planned on staying until some time on Sunday. Due to arriving late on Friday, we didn't do much, but were there early on Sat. Having been out all morning (missing a Wilson's, but I've seen those before), and then...
  20. H

    Southern Spain info

    Hi all, A group of friends and I will be heading for southern Spain on Sunday 1st May (flying into Malaga). We then plan on gradually working our way west across country towards El Rocio/Donana, birding as we go, before heading back later in the week. While we have plenty of gen on which...
  21. H

    Latest BB-Monthly Marathon

    Hi all, I see from the British Birds website that the latest issue is now out, and that (at last!) there is a solution to the ongoing 'Monthly Marathon'. Having taken part in this, and despite my below-par performance in Sean's recent quizzes, could anybody PM me the solutions given? The...
  22. H

    Laughing Dove-racial ID?

    Hi all, Presently in Ballymena (Co.Antrim) there is a Laughing Dove which has generated much debate as to its origins.Discussion has now turned to the likely subspecific identification of the bird,as only phoenicophilia from N.Africa and perhaps cambayensis of Asia north to Kazakhstan and NW...
  23. H

    Sandplover in Denmark

    Hi all, A summer plumaged sandplover sp was found in Denmark on Tuesday,and has not yet been identified conclusively.Any thoughts on the following pics? Harry http://www.netfugl.dk/pictures.php?id=showpicture&picture_id=2888&language=uk...
  24. H

    Smiths ID...or how I messed up!

    Hi all, An advance warning:have to get this off my chest,so forgive any overly emotive comments! Back in Feb,a friend and I spent a weekend birding in the Dingle area,where we had such good birds as 2 Red-necked Grebes,all 3 scoter species,Iceland Gull etc.We also had an odd 1st-w...
  25. H

    Water v Rock Pipit...again!

    Hi all, Just to confuse people even more(?),here is a link to a website with pics of a really grotty Water Pipit moulting into summer plumage which is currently at Carnsore Point,Co.Wexford: http://www.irishbirding.com/birdnews.html (scroll down) Some ID features can still be made out,in...