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  1. B

    Expensive Passion . . .

    Found the following on AOL news this morning: Updated: 10:08 AM EST Birders Share an Expensive Passion By DAVE CARPENTER, AP CHICAGO (Jan. 24) - Entrepreneur Vernon LaVia spends $15,000 a year on birding trips and can reel off all the diseases and misadventures he's had pursuing his favorite...
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    Raptor Cruise, NE Indiana, 1-14-06

    Today was an annual birding day, when a group of us head to the two counties north of the city, just south of the Indiana-Michigan state line, to look for raptors. We set our all-time standard two years ago, when we found a total of 125 raptors in a single day. Today started very slowly. It...
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    New Year's Weekend Birding

    A group of friends and I headed to Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge in south central Indiana to participate in the Christmas Count they do on Jan. 1. We left the city early on Satuday afternoon and logged a respectable 9 Red-tailed Hawks along the interstate between the city and a brief...
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    Birds of Bahrain photos

    I'm participating in a friendly competition here at home -- with the prize being having your dinner bought at a Christmas get-together tomorrow (12/8) night. With the clues I've been given, I've narrowed down the bird to Bahrain. I'll be going to the local library to look for the Bahrain field...
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    Are you doing a Christmas Count?

    I'm asking this because I'm just curious. Who in North America is going to participate in a Christmas Bird Count? I'm on for two, I think. My local one in NE Indiana on Dec. 17, and the one at my favorite birding place of all, the Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge in south central Indiana...
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    SE Arizona, May 2005 (long)

    This is a very belated report. I was invited to visit friends in Tucson Arizona for Memorial Day weekend. This was highly exciting to me, as I had never visited there before. Both friends are birders as well. I flew from Indianapolis to Tucson on Thursday afternoon before the holiday, and...
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    Indiana Snowy Owl Hit by Vehicle

    Although I'm not sure if the accident happened Saturday or Sunday, the now-nearly-legendary Snowy Owl along I-65 in western Indiana has been hit by a vehicle. The bird was rescued by a photographer from Cincinnati who has been 'staying' with the owl for several weeks, photographing him. He has...
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    Snowy Owl in Indiana (in summer!)

    A Snowy Owl has been seen in western Indiana for nearly two weeks now -- and I'm going to go Sunday to find it for myself! For those who might be interested, it's at Exit 193 on I-65 N, north of Lafayette (and south of Remington), in White County. The 193 exit is the junction with 231. On...
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    I think I have a new favorite place!!

    A good friend and I took off early this morning to go find a new state nature preserve about an hour away. After a yummy breakfast at the Cracker Barrel, we first headed north and made a brief stop at a daylily garden in a small town just north of the city. The owner was out, deadheading...
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    Slime Mold on Dead Trees?? Michael Frankis??

    I'm asking on behalf of an acquaintance who lives in Texas. She dragged home an old beached tree limb to use in her backyard for the birds. She's even hollowed out an area along the top of it to use as a feeder. With some extensive rains, patches of a yellow and a white growth has appeared on...
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    Killer Lights and Birds

    I found this article online today on cnn.com, from Reuters, and found it quite interesting: PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (Reuters) -- Turning out the lights of city skyscrapers is helping to save the lives of thousands of birds migrating across North American cities to their spring breeding...
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    Most Beautiful Hawk Ever!

    I participated in the May Day Count today, covering the northeast corner of Noble County, Indiana, which is about 35-40 miles north of my home. While near Sylvan Lake, which should be familiar to readers of the early 20th century nature author Gene Stratton Porter ("Freckles" and "Girl of the...
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    It is SOOO March around here!

    I wish I could say that I've seen and heard all these things myself, but unfortunately a lot of work lately has kept me inside. But there's a number of things that are proclaiming "MARCH!" loud and clear in Indiana! Nationally, the NCAA tournament is due to start (although with only one...
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    Indiana FalconCam Up and Running!

    In case you're interested . . . The nest cam atop the city's tallest building, on the 26th floor, is up and running for the 2004 season. Falcons have been nesting at this location since 1992, the year they were re-introduced in Indiana. And the female, Freedom, has proven to be one of the...
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    INCREDIBLE, AMAZING Raptor Day!! (long)

    Today was Soarin' Hawk's annual Raptor Cruise to Steuben County, Indiana, for raptors. And it turned into the most incredible raptor day (and very nearly the best birding day ever) for a group of fairly serious birders!! Steuben County is Indiana's northeasternmost county, bordering the states...
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    Lense Transplant in Great Horned Owl

    This report apparently originated from the Associated Press; I read it today on IN-BIRD and found it fascinating: MADISON, Wis. - A great horned owl found starving in the wild because it had gone blind could be released this spring after having new lenses implanted in its eyes. The owl, named...
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    Feeders, Birds and Window Strikes

    A post on IN-BIRD (Indiana's on-line birding discussion) about a beautiful hawk that stopped at a feeder and then was killed by striking a window when flying away prompted the following response, posted by woman who is a conservationist and board member of Operation Migration. It's an informal...
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    Feeders Back Up!

    I took my feeders down in the late summer, finally relinquishing the front of my house and the house next door to the roaming cats that my then-neighbor insisted upon feeding from her front stoop. Two cats in particular viewed my feeders has a very handy dessert buffet. And I could not stand...
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    CBC Report and SUPER Lifer!! YaaaaaHOOOO!!

    Three friends and I participated in the Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge Christmas Bird Count today, Jan 1 2004, in south central Indiana. And what a day we had!! All of us drove down Wednesday evening (the refuge is 3 hours from our homes in northern Indiana). We had a fine New Year's...
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    South Central Indiana, 11-28-03 morning

    The day after Thanksgiving, and it's cold, wet and blustery. Very typical cold November day. I drove down to Muscatatuck NWR early this morning, and saw very little as the birds mostly seemed to have the good sense to stay in. I did see 4 Wild Turkey, all female, out grazing in a corn field...
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    I'm FREE!

    I've just posted a photo in the gallery, under Birds of North America, to show you what a Red-tailed Hawk looks like at the moment of release back to the wild. This particular bird had been injured earlier in the summer, on the left wing, and was rehabbed at Soarin' Hawk Raptor Rehab in...
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    Chicago Tribune Article on Sandhill Cranes, 11-16-03

    I think I mentioned in my post about seeing the Whooping Crane and the Sandhills last weekend that a reporter from the Chicago Tribune was on the platform, and that he ended up talking with 'my' group. It's very much a 'little' article, and doesn't really talk about the birds, but thought you...
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    Today's Cool Surprise!

    A local newspaper publishes a 'wish list' from non-profit organizations in their Thanksgiving edition, this year on Nov. 27. This not only gives large and small non-profits the opportunity to list items they want or need (and are usually unable to afford), but gives potential donors the...
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    What a very special day this has been! Three friends and I left Fort Wayne about 10:30 this morning, a brilliantly sunny but cold day, to make the 125 mile drive to Jasper-Pulaski FWA in northwestern Indiana for the annual Sandhill Crane migration spectacle. It was terribly cold when we left...
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    Share Your Experiences; Participate in Research

    The link posted below will take you to a survey about birding experiences being conducted by a professor of recreation management at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. The survey is designed to help determine what constitutes a 'good' birding experience, taking into account the...