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Search results

  1. MiddleRiver

    Magee Marsh vs Cape May festivals in May

    I know I can peruse eBird and festival websites but for anyone who has attended both, do you have any opinions, advice, preference, tidbits,... etc.? Thanks-in-advance!
  2. MiddleRiver

    Kowa 55A or Swarovski ATC ??

    Has anyone had the opportunity to try both and if so, your thoughts? I currently own tsn1553 and IQ is superb (as is form factor), but as I wear specs, I'm hoping for more ER and wider FOV, while retaining minimum weight and size.
  3. MiddleRiver

    Gitzo for Travel scope?

    The B&H anniversary packages look like a good deal: Both come with Center Ball Head. For an ATC/Kowa 554, etc. do I want the 1 or 2 series? Gitzo GT1545T Series 1 Traveler Carbon Fiber Tripod with Center Ball Head & GM2542 Carbon Fiber Monopod (Special 50th Anniversary Kit) Gitzo GT2545T Series...
  4. MiddleRiver

    Zeiss Terra hinge adjustment

    Trying to help a guide with strict budget. 8x42 Terra hinge is very loose. Can anyone explain adjustment? Thx
  5. MiddleRiver

    FREE: Nikon MONARCH HG 8x30 - objective rings/protectors/bumpers

    I have new and unused rubber rings which go on objective end of bins, for those who don't want to use the lenscaps. Within reason (USPS in US), will mail to anyone who wants them (free).
  6. MiddleRiver

    Warblers in Virginia, USA

    Blue Ridge Mountains (around 3000'ASL), Virginia, USA 9.22.2024 Bay-breasted Warbler first year females? The strong wingbars and eyestripe are throwing me off :-/
  7. MiddleRiver

    Swaro 8x32EL SV vs Zeiss 8x40 SFL

    I like the SFL's. A lot. I also have opportity to pickup a nice SV 8x32 for attractive price (?) and in great condition. The specs are actually sort of similar. 139m/1000 SFL vs 141m. SV 641g SFL vs 580g SV Both get excellent reviews. Does anyone actually own both or have had the opportunity...
  8. MiddleRiver


    Thinking about it... I know it's vast but I thought I'd throw it out and see if anyone has been, has recommendations, has anything to say :) Ideally would be 2-3wks, part cultural, part birding. Comfortable with heavy dose of independent travel but not opposed to group travel with orgs like...
  9. MiddleRiver

    Alaska - flies and other nuisance insects

    When does fly season start? May, June,...? Particularly interested of south-central AK - Denali down to Katmai.
  10. MiddleRiver

    Joro Spider - Phulchowki, Nepal 11/2022

    Not positive about ID? Trichonephila clavata
  11. MiddleRiver

    Nikon 8x30HG focuser

    I've been so spoiled by Zeiss focus knob silky smooth action that I'm having a hard time with the little HG's stiffer focusing. It's smooth, but peanut-butter consistency. Does anyone know 1) is it possible to adjust DIY with a little care? or 2) does Nikon USA do such things?
  12. MiddleRiver

    Menhaden harvest and Osprey

  13. MiddleRiver

    Blackbird - Cuba 11/2023

    When does a Tawny-shouldered become a Red-shouldered?
  14. MiddleRiver

    Ruby-crowned Kinglet - Cuba 11/2023

    This would be rare for Cuba, but if it's not a RCKI, I'm stumped!
  15. MiddleRiver

    Alaska - Cordova (Copper River Delta) + Kachemak or if just one, which?

    Starting to think about next May and a visit to AK. Might do part B&B, part camper van rental. Both these festivals look great. Would love to hear other's thoughts on which one to prioritize and/or logistics details. Thanks in advance!
  16. MiddleRiver

    Which Warbler? Virginia 10/13/23

    I want to say Yellow Rumped but did not see any yellow... which I realize sometimes happens. Warb
  17. MiddleRiver

    Galapagos Lava Heron

    I am unclear whether there is in fact a 'Lava Heron'. Birds of the World, Cornell, etc. do not list it. Is it a taxo change? To further confuse me, when googling 'Lava Heron' I do see an all grey Heron, with the exception of a couple of individual websites that show something that looks like a...
  18. MiddleRiver

    US Western Tanager expert question

    Posted on a couple of FB pages (ABA...) but thought I'd ask here. Saw this yesterday W of Shenandoah Valley around 4000' ASL. Didn't look 'right' and I grabbed a couple of quick pics. There's been suggestion it's a juvenile male Scarlet (sometimes show wingbars?) and the wings do look dark...
  19. MiddleRiver

    North Northwest US in late Aug to early Sep?

    Possible I might be somewhere between Minneapolis and Seattle late summer. N.Dakota, Montana, Washington State... Not ideal time of year, but if any 'must visit' hotspots, would love to hear them! thanks in advance...
  20. MiddleRiver

    And another (yawn...) SFL 8x30 thread/question...

    I already own SFL 8x40's. I purchased them for 'travel' in order to lighten daypack load (regular binos of choice are NV 8X). I like the SFL40's a lot. Not as good as NV's but otherwise no issues. Note that I wear specs, so eye-box comfort is important (large occular, decent ER). I'd love...
  21. MiddleRiver

    Royal Estate bird killings?

  22. MiddleRiver

    Cuba for gringos...?

    Travel restrictions remain in effect and it's in some ways all rather vague. I know this is a VERY broad question, but if anyone has recent experiences - positive ones preferred - in Cuba, I'd love to hear them. By that I mean suggestions of 'approved' activities, tours, location visits, etc...
  23. MiddleRiver

    Alternatives to Raven or Audacity for iPad?

    Has anyone found a way to edit/view bird audio - which includes good spectrogram viewing functionality - that runs on iOS (specifically iPad)?
  24. MiddleRiver

    iPad (or XPS13) for photo backup and quick editing while travelling birding

    Now that the latest gen iPad has USB-C I'm tempted to try one in lieu of having to pack a larger laptop when travelling. I like a backup option as well as ability to quickly edit photos for ID purposes when birding. E.g. after a day of birding, off-load pics and adjust zoom/brightness on those...
  25. MiddleRiver

    Shenandoah Valley, VA USA flyover bad pics

    Earlier this week had several instances of small (10-20) flocks of these fly-over. I was always caught off guard and this is best I could do.