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  1. lou salomon

    hybrid duck, Sawston, Cambridge, UK, 26.04.2021

    i guess this is Mareca sibilatrix x ? but which is the other parent??? photographed by Tibi Nica, yesterday, 26.04.2021 in Sawston, Cambridge, UK. Jörn, would you please have a look? cheers
  2. lou salomon

    Raptor, Krueger NP, SA, April 2012

    Raptor, Krueger NP, SA, 1. may 2012 hi, i'm posting this for a friend who's sent me this pic. could it be an immature martial eagle? Tom?
  3. lou salomon

    flight sillhouette

    not that hard but i thought i'd post this as a quizz ;)
  4. lou salomon

    Ficedula - Flycatcher, Eastern Romania

    hi https://rombird.ro/ro/obd/16150/alta-specie any ficedula-fans out there? i traditionally have difficulties with these and considering the fact that recently there have been quite some records of semicollared fly in romania (with at 3 probable breeding locations in the last few years) i'd...
  5. lou salomon

    rechecking pipit ID, romanian black sea coast, 29th septermber 2015

    pic is by mihai baciu and i did ID the bird. but since most of the crucial traits are hidden it is merely a jizz thing. what would you call it? is that tail largely abraded/cut at the end? can we tell its age? obviously in fresh autumn plumage but are the pointed looking inner primary tips...
  6. lou salomon

    house finch on bernie sander's desk?

    is this a female house finch? http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/03/25/one-bird-sanders-world-peace-political-revolution-and-sparrow http://www.wweek.com/2016/03/25/bernie-sanders-greeted-in-portland-by-a-friendly-bird/ edit: just realized there is another thread concerning this bird. but...
  7. lou salomon

    young sparrow, date and place unknown

    these pics have been used for display charts and obviousloy have been stolen from the net. can anyone ID this young sparrow? i suppose one of the US emberizids. the gull probably is a smithsonianus but doesn't have anything to do with the sparrow-type, all randomly stolen from the net.
  8. lou salomon

    Montague's Harrier? Danube Delta

    hi there, took this pic of a juv harrier in danube delta on 2.09.2014. shawl and collar and somewhat wing formula made me think pallid but rel. large white eye crescents and especially the clear dark trailing edge to inner primaries made me sway towards monty's. all pics lightened.
  9. lou salomon

    booted warbler? danube delta, today.

    photos by mihai baciu: https://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t31.0-8/10380674_630272103688831_8713415250740674650_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t31.0-8/10329730_630272567022118_7252679272241451266_o.jpg...
  10. lou salomon

    white x pied wagtail hybrid? 21.04.2014 konstanz, southern germany

    hi, among a scattered flock of about 12 white wagtails resting and feeding on the banks of bodensee/rhine river i saw this striking indvidual. first impression was - wow, a pied wagtail (which is a vagrant here). however, already when viewing it through bins it was clear that it was no clearcut...
  11. lou salomon

    common tern? romania, black sea coast, september 1st

    hi, this should be a 1cy common tern. but it has an all black bill and dark trailing edge to primaries looks very narrow. anyone feeling confident to rule out 100% arctic tern on these pics? thanks
  12. lou salomon

    reed warbler, germany

    hi, not questioning the ID, it was a singing male reed warbler in SW germany. it just says that reed warbler has a primary projection of 70-95% (harris/tucker) or 70-100% (van duivendijk). i have measured 63% here - what did i do wrong? abraded (or raised) greater coverts, tertials etc? i'm not...
  13. lou salomon

    crops and blobs

    1 point for each correct sp., 2 bonus for all correct and in this first round also 2 for the location. cheers
  14. lou salomon

    rhodopea willow tit question

    hi, does anybody by chance have a recording of a balcanic willow tit (ssp. rhodopea). xenocanto doesn't have. i'd be gratefull...
  15. lou salomon

    ringtail harrier, transilvania

    http://www.treknature.com/gallery/Europe/Romania/East/Harghita/photo194564.htm some romanian birders have insisted this was a pallid harrier. i see a montague's. what's your view? and why, please.
  16. lou salomon

    1cy gull, transilvania

    hi, what do you make of this smallish gull (sorry no better pics yet), taken 21.10.2009 by joszef szabo senior in eastern transilvania (romania). tomorrow he promised he will send some more, possibly clarifying this dilemma: after seeing the first pic there seemed no doubt - baltic gull: very...
  17. lou salomon

    dusky-lemon sallow?

    x. gilvago? fotogr. today in stuttgart, germany
  18. lou salomon

    owl feather germany

    hi this is for white kite, CAU and of course anybody else who feels competent -i have difficulties with owl feathers (and single feathers in general). size = 10 cm --> greater covert, or maybe a secondary? brown colour is more buffish than it appears in the photo which produces a slight red...
  19. lou salomon

    baird's or temminck's

    well, i'm not sure if these recent pics on 'tarsiger' really show the same bird but it seems like. in that case our finnish fellowbirders seem to have a dissense. http://www.tarsiger.com/images/Bruun/CALBAI001H.jpg http://www.tarsiger.com/images/Bruun/calbaivuonos_01.jpg...
  20. lou salomon

    moorhen in bahrein

    any thoughts about this pale moorhen on howard's bahrain report site? obviously it is not a juvenile (see bill colour). could a 2cy be this pale? http://www.hawar-islands.com/blog/media/blogs/obs/2009/3july09/moorhen.jpg
  21. lou salomon

    guess the gull

    thought i'll post this here also: http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?t=100197&page=48 1.-6. six pics of gulls, first 5 from the northern part of romanian black sea coast (including danube delta): 1. http://www.treknature.com/gallery/Europe/Romania/East/Tulcea/photo183493.htm 2...
  22. lou salomon

    hybrid merlin x hobby

    http://www.netfugl.dk/pictures.php?id=showpicture&picture_id=27025 unfotunately i don't understand enough danish to follow the whole debate but this is what most people think it is, including KMO. maybe someone out there has more fun with the discussion...certainly an interesting case since...
  23. lou salomon

    weird willow warbler 15.04. black sea coast, romania

    i'm slightly irritated about the lacking/obscure super behind its eye, otherwise it should be a normal WW. any thoughts? photographer - razvan zinica.
  24. lou salomon

    weird subadult gull bucharest 27.02.09

    what is this ??! pic by cristian a 4cy caspian with such a wingpattern (small p10 mirror only) i thought is impossible. barabensis? eastern cachinnans? :smoke: :smoke: :smoke:
  25. lou salomon

    adult gull danube delta

    pic taken on 26.02.2004 by daniel petrescu. i thought i'll post this here and not in the "gulls" thread (quiz section) as usual.