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Search results

  1. elkcub

    Swift & Anderson 1949 Catalog #50

    It's a rare thing to find a Swift catalog nowadays, so I couldn't help posting this one lurking on the Internet. It's my next to oldest Swift catalog to date. Ed
  2. elkcub

    Pale Male is dead at 33

    Sadly, this has been reported today:
  3. elkcub

    Rescued baby bird in Modesto, California. Species and feeding recommendations?

    My granddaughter rescued this baby bird last night, brought it inside to sleep with her, and gave it water. From its behavior it seems to have imprinted on her and everyone else in the house. It's almost able to fly by itself. What species is this likely to be, and what is the best way to...
  4. elkcub

    Planet of the Humans

    Although Michael Moore's new documentary Planet of the Humans** came out in late 2019, and is now readily available on YouTube, I can't find any BF discussion about it. So far, all of the criticisms I've seen on-line skirt around what he's pointing out from a Conservation perspective: i.e., a...
  5. elkcub

    Do ya think Gulls think?

    This article appeared today on the front page of the San Jose Mercury News. So do ya think they really know what they're doing? Ed
  6. elkcub

    US Patent for Higher-Order Aberration Correction device

    While surfing for references to Russian articles by Osipova and Potikhonova about handheld and supported binoculars, I came across this rather fascinating 2010 patent that was awarded to Ophthonix, Inc. located right around the corner in Vista, CA. This one is really worth reading, since the...
  7. elkcub

    1995 Eagle Optics Catalog: a gift

    Over the years I've found one of the most amazing and useful reference sources of optics information to be the 1995 "Optic Catalog," published by Eagle Optics, Madison, WI. With their permission, I have scanned my copy of the 40 pg. document, including additional price lists, and provide it...
  8. elkcub

    Wide Field Binoculars?

    Super-wide binoculars seem to be a thing of the past. My widest binoculars are 8x40 Porros made by Hiyoshi Kogaku (JLB-56) for the brand Linet. They have a true field of 12º and and an apparent field of 96º. The optics are superb and the view is quite interesting. AFOV = TFOV * Power What...
  9. elkcub

    Swarovski 8x42 HLC HD

    Swarovski 8x42 SLC HD Just wanted to mention that Camera Land is selling "salesman's samples" of the 8x42 SLC HD on eBay for as little as $1599 (if no one else bids). I was lucky to buy one at this fantastic price just before Xmas. Frankly, I can't find anything negative about it ... and...
  10. elkcub

    IPD Adjustment Specs

    I recall reading a few cases where the max or min limits for IPD adjustment were critical in selecting someone's binocular. Because I have an IPD of 65mm (2.5"), which is the exact center of the population distribution, I didn't think too much about it. However, I recently noticed something a...
  11. elkcub

    Optical Bench Applet

    Every once in a while the Internet produces a gem. Here we have a cool Optical Bench applet that should work on most computers. (Wait for it to load.) http://www.hazelwood.k12.mo.us/~grichert/optics/intro.html Of course, it isn't everything it might be, but considering that it's free and...
  12. elkcub

    Which Manufacturers Sell the Most Binoculars?

    Manufacturers offer different binocular ranges for various purposes and afforability levels. Which company do you think sells the most worldwide, relative to the total birding market?
  13. elkcub

    WTB: Swift Optics Catalogs and Brochures.

    I've taken the liberty of reposting this in the Swift forum. Before writing a revision to our 2005 Model 804 Audubon article, we would like to acquire any relevant Swift calalogs or brochures, US or European, that are available from 1960 through 2004. Please send either of us a personal...
  14. elkcub

    Improved Eyecups for 10x42 SLC

    I recently received new eyecups for my 10x42 SLC from SONA. The originals didn't stay extended and were getting rather annoying. The new ones have a slightly different mechanical design that keeps them nicely in place. (Product #643-0317.) They also seem to be simpler (no inner sleeve) but...
  15. elkcub

    Announcement: Swift Sport Optics Website

    Hi, Swift Instruments, Inc. recently divested it's binocular and riflescope business to SafeTGard Sport Optics (as I now understand it). The new website is: http://www.swift-sportoptics.com/home.html Ed
  16. elkcub

    The rolling-ball effect and pincushion distortion by Holger Merlitz

    The attached article was posted recently on Peter's List. Enjoy the read. Ed
  17. elkcub

    E-Series and Nikon Low Dispersion Glass

    Call me old fashioned, but over the last few years I've picked up two E-series Nikons (8x30, and 10x35) as well as an early 8x30 Nippon Kogaku. I love them all for their strong metal bodies, and their bright, crisp images with highly corrected chromatic and spherical aberration. In reviewing...
  18. elkcub

    NEWS — Swift Instruments is now Swift Sport Optics

    NEWS — Swift Instruments is now Swift Sport Optics... After checking the internet, I came across this announcement at: http://www.eabco.com/SwiftSportOptics.htm The binocular company is now owned by E. Arthur Brown and Company (EABCO) "Swift Instruments is now Swift Sport Optics... * The...
  19. elkcub

    Color Perception with FL Binoculars

  20. elkcub

    Eyeglasses and Added Magnification

    As mentioned in a recent post concerning the 8.5x44 Swift 828 HHS, the design tradeoff between field of view (336 ft.) and eye relief (19mm) for the first time makes it possible for me to see the entire field comfortably with my glasses on...
  21. elkcub

    The Chinaman's Hat Illusion

    Whenever I acquire new binoculars, which is frequent nowadays, I take them out back and view familiar things. This is not only convenient, but also provides a ready means of comparison. Several views are of well-manicured bushes, like oleander or pittosporum, and can be viewed purpendicular...
  22. elkcub

    Historical Review of Swift 804 Audubon Binoculars

    NOTE: An article by Edward M. Huff and Renze de Vries entitled: "The Inimitable Swift Model 804 Audubon Binoculars: Design and Marking Variations" is attached to Post #15 in three .pdf sections. Historical Note #1: SP Series, — Post 59 Factoid #1: Tethered Objective Covers — Post 61 Factoid...
  23. elkcub

    Retinal Offset and Field-of-View Effects on Apparent Size Using Binoculars

    Retinal Offset and Field-of-View Effects on Apparent Size and Depth Using Binoculars Several threads have discussed perceptual effects of porro vs. roof prism binoculars. The common observation is that porros induce smaller perceived images and greater spatial depth. Unfortunately, in...
  24. elkcub

    Swarovski's Warranty: The Best On The Planet

    I know it's getting boring to talk about Swarovski's legendary warranty service, but just one more for Swaro. It can't be helped; I have a need to express myself. About a month ago I looked into my trusty old 8x30 SLCs with a flashlight. (I had bought them back after selling them, but that's...
  25. elkcub

    Binocular Prescription Lenses

    I've always wondered why prescription lenses can't be placed directly behind the binoculars' eyepieces, thereby avoiding the need to wear glasses in the field (for some at least) and facilitating the use of winged eyecups. With Swarovski's removable eyecups this would seem to be rather easy to...