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Palawan Peacock-Pheasant - BirdForum Opus

(Redirected from Palawan Peacock Pheasant)
Polyplectron napoleonis


Male has a high pointed crest on its metallic-green head which is used as well as its tail to display to the female. Legs have 2 spurs. Feathers are blue and grey. Female is mainly brown, with a smaller crest, shorter tail and no spurs. Males - 50 cm long; females - 40 cm.

Listed as Vulnerable.


sw Philippines: Palawan.


A monotypic species


Humid forests.


Diet includes seeds, nuts, insects and snails.

The incubation period is only 19 days (other peacock pheasants are 21-22 days) and the male (like other pheasants) takes no part in the incubation or rearing of the young. The young, after a few days are able to find their own food in the forest, although the mother continues to guard them for several weeks.


Bristol Zoo

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