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African Rail - BirdForum Opus

(Redirected from Cape Rail)

Alternative names: African Water Rail; Cape Rail; Kaffir Rail

Photo by Alan Manson
Cedara Farm, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, July 2007
Rallus caerulescens


Upper parts dark brown, foreneck and breast dark grey, remainder of underparts black barred white. Bill long and bright red. Eyes, legs and feet red.


South Africa to Ethiopia.


A monotypic species.


Dense wetland vegetation.


Usually in pairs. Forages in mud, shallow water and floating vegetation for insects, earthworms, small frogs, small fish, crabs and plant matter.


Hockey, P.A.R., W.R.J. Dean and P.G. Ryan (eds.). 2005. Robert's Birds of Southern Africa. 7th ed. Cape Town: John Voelcker Bird Book Fund. ISBN 9780620340533

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