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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.
White-edged Oriole
White-edged Oriole (Icterus graceannae) Sexes similar. Photographed in the Jorupe Reserve, El Oro Province, Ecuador. Tumbesian dry forest with stunning Ceiba trees at ca. 610 m (2,000 ft) elevation.
Tumbesian dry forest with stunning Ceiba trees at ca. 610 m (2,000 ft) elevation.
Jorupe Reserve, El Oro Province, Ecuador.
Date taken
November 2014
Scientific name
Icterus graceannae
Equipment used
Such beautiful colours in this awesome image, Stanley !!! Thanks for sharing.
Staff member
Opus Editor
Isn't he stunning!!!

Many thanks for showing us this beautiful bird Stanley, such a rarity in the Gallery.
Just as I think the Orioles can't get more beautiful, you post this fantastic image. Gosh, they are gorgeous Stanley.
What a fabulous looking bird Stanley! great detail, stunning colours and pose...well done mate :t:

Media information

Central & South America & Mexico
Added by
Stanley Jones
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