This is where we were sitting that day.
The river gives a big sweep round making a headland of the land in front. Previously I'd been to the land on the far side of the river that was behind this land.
This map will show you what I mean, the arrow in the area where I've been before.,209435&st=4&ar=y&mapp=map.srf&searchp=ids.srf&dn=629&ax=333874&ay=209435&lm=0
The river constantly changes it's course in times of flood, and you can see some of the previous courses from the remaining ponds.
It must be hard for the farmers, to wake up one morning to find their land is now on the other side of the river, appearing to belong to a neighbour!!!
To see the Sand Martin bank, we should have turned left, before coming through a gate directly down to the river where we ended up. I'll know for next time.