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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.
Bit of a tale to tell you now. We sat down at the picnic table for cuppie and cake.

I lifted the cake off the plate and couldn't believe what happened next.....

... the cake was on it's way to my mouth when a Kookaburra flew over my shoulder grabbed the cake and was off before I could blink!!!

Soooo I didn't honour him with a picture!!!! Instead I found a juvenile Pied Butcherbird.
Suburban country park
Hinterland Park, Gold Coast, Queensland
Date taken
17 October 2019
Scientific name
Cracticus nigrogularis
Equipment used
Nikon Coolpix P900 Birdwatching mode
my goodness!! I think you must have had a good fright, Delia, unbelievable story. Well, the young butcherbird deserved a great photo (maybe simply because you weren't eating a piece of meat lol). Top class, many tfs!!!
Well, this capture makes up for your loss Delia. A marvellous colourfully lit close up, well done.
Wow, nothing like being outfoxed by a bird. He is a great looking bird and to tell you the truth it has happened to me. One time I was working security on a cruise ship and this Sea Gull came out of nowhere and took the sandwich right out of my hand. Thank God I had a few bites before he finished it off for me. Love your stories, Delia.
a nice looking bird and capture delia...nothing like a piece of cake..lol....
'You can't have your cake and eat it too', runs the proverb.
Perhaps not, D., but that Kookaburra could certainly eat yours. No wonder it was laughing.

Be that as it may, though, this Butcherbird is another choice cut from your odyssey in Oz. Well taken
LOL! That will keep you from eating outside ;)

Meanwhile this is one great closeup of this Butcherbird and captured beautifully D!
Lol, what a brat! However, it is a moment I am sure you will never forget thanks to the Kookaburra (lol). TFS this monumental moment with us D!

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Asia, Australia & Pacific Islands
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delia todd
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